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Questions tagged [eu]

The European Union (EU) is a political and economic union of European member states. Use this tag for questions about aviation within the EU, but remember that the EU does not include all European countries, and several countries are members of EASA but not the EU. For questions about the European Union specifically; use the [easa] tag instead if appropriate.

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4 votes
1 answer

Can PPL hours be from multiple countries (Europe, UK)?

If you have some PPL hours from various European countries, such as France, Spain, Portugal, Greece - do these count towards the minimum 40 hours to take the PPL GST in the UK?
Cloud's user avatar
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What rules for guiding air traffic should I learn for the FEAST II radar test?

I recently passed FEAST I exams to become an air traffic controller. Next round of tests is a FEAST II radar test. What general rules used for air traffic guidance should I learn in order to be ...
Francis L.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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European aircraft liveries list

We live few miles away of an airport and we see a lot of departures and I would like a tool to enable my 7 year old daughter to recognize the company from the livery. Is there a pdf or anything else (...
Mark's user avatar
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8 votes
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Is the UK still part of the ECAA since Brexit?

Is the UK still part of the ECAA (European Common Aviation Area) since Brexit? For instance is it possible for a Spanish Air Operator Certificate (AOC) holder to operate a scheduled commercial flight ...
Knathuul's user avatar
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Is a Class 2 medical enough for being a (remunerated) Flight Instructor (FI (A)) in the European Union (EASA)?

Suppose I only hold a valid PPL(A) License with a valid Class 2 medical certificate issued in the EU. Can I become a Flight Instructor for PPL(A) with this medical certificate or do I need to hold a ...
D1X's user avatar
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Lufthansa Pilots: Are you doing empty flights to keep slots?

It's not about judging LH or any other airline for doing this, I fully understand. I'm asking because I want to be sure not to have a bad opinion of E.U legislation before I have the facts. If you ...
TMOTTM's user avatar
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2 votes
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What documents do I need to take a German airplane outside of Schengen but still within the EU? [closed]

What kind of documents are required for customs or police if one flies out of Schengen (in this case a German-registered aircraft) and lands in a non-Schengen state within the EU?
Arthur Romeijn's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

As a US citizen living in Europe, must I use a trust as the owner of an N-reg aircraft?

I have found lots of information online about European pilots owning and flying N-reg aircraft using trusts set up in the US. I live in Europe, but I'm a US citizen, so must I also set up a trust ...
rs_atl's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can I do a VFR night sightseeing flight in Europe?

I am an American living in the Netherlands, and I recently converted my US PPL to an EASA PPL. I have significant night flying experience in the US, but I understand that night VFR in Europe is ...
rs_atl's user avatar
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Single-engine plane with long range flyable in Europe

Not 100% sure if choice of airplane is on-topic here, please let me know if not. Just got my PPL, and looking for a choice of single-engine meeting a few conditions: Long-range, definitely >800nm, ...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
16 votes
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What is typical ATC procedure when a non-pilot calls from a commercial flight for help?

"This is ShinyWings 123, I'm not a pilot, the pilot and copilot are unconscious. Help." Probably a day air traffic controllers dream of with dread, when a member of cabin crew, or even worse,...
TheEnvironmentalist's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the relationship between the EASA and JAA? [duplicate]

I have heard of two different European aviation authorities: EASA and JAA (or JAAT). What is the difference in their functions? This would include things such as: Whether they are somehow part of ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
1 vote
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can I do my PPLA license in spain even if I live in Germany?

I live in Germany but I was born in Spain, I wpuld like as a hobby, to get my PPLA license.. but I would like to do that in Spain, if so, can I still flight in germany? is that possible? Thanks..
ΦXocę 웃 Пepeúpa ツ's user avatar
11 votes
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Has color vision deficiency ever contributed to any incidents in aviation history?

I would like to know if there are any official reports pointing Color Vision Deficiency (CVD) as a major contributing cause of an air accident/incident. Not only related to flying but also maintenance ...
ppinto's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

What is the German / European equivalent of FAA Order 7110.65?

FAA Order 7110.65 prescribes air traffic control procedures and phraseology for use by personnel providing ATC services in the USA. Which documents regulate these aspects in Germany, or, more ...
lyskiman's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the difference between en-route delays and airport delays?

ANSP performance is gathered an published online on They monitor complexity, delays, efficiency and other operational data. I also noticed they have two ways of describing ...
Robin Kramer-ten Have's user avatar
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How to match ATC requirements to work in EU?

My Brazilian boyfriend is finally planning to move into the EU zone (he actually got an Italian passport). He would be glad to keep his work as an Air Traffic Controller but despite his 10 years ...
Ada's user avatar
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Can diplomats be allowed on the flight deck of a commercial European airline?

If a diplomat were to request access to the flight deck with proper identification, would he/she be allowed to visit the cockpit of a commercial airliner during flight?
Kolindar Rosé's user avatar
7 votes
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Is failure to comply with evacuation procedures illegal?

In every flight, we are instructed that we must leave our personal belongings in case of evacuation. I remember also notified that it is illegal not to follow the rules (I don't remember if this goes ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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What is the naming convention for European airways?

I know that in the U.S. low altitude airways are called Victor (below 18.000ft, e.g. V123) and high altitude routes are called Jet (above 18.000ft,e.g. J123). Can somebody explain the European ...
177's user avatar
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Are passengers allowed to travel seatless(on the floor)?

I was told that a flight in Europe carried two passengers on the floor, because their purchased seats didn't exist. BBC. Is that allowed? For example, in Greece, a bus is not allowed to travel with ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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Can an FAA-certified pilot rent/fly a GA aircraft in England?

I am a U.S. certificated pilot in the U.S.A. I have about 1200 hrs flying mostly general aviation. I will be traveling to England with family in March 2019 for a personal vacation. I would like to ...
Brad Walker's user avatar
1 vote
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What effect does driving convictions have on a PPL?

Recently, I was driving some friends around when they started complaining that I was driving "too slow" (basically not over the speed limit). I stated that my reason for being cautious was I did not ...
Cloud's user avatar
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How to handle seeing someone online claiming to be a pilot or pilot in training, who one feels shouldn't be flying, in the EU?

Suppose that on some aviation-related Internet discussion forum, one comes across contributions from a user who claims to either be training for a pilot's license, or to have a pilot's license. ...
user's user avatar
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How does the UK declaration for FAA pilots work?

I came across This seems to suggest that an FAA PPL doesn't have to go through any exams / checkride / etc (other than the rudimentary "...
GJ.'s user avatar
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15 votes
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Why is the aiming point distance shorter in the US vs. Europe for long runways?

In essence, if you compare EGLL and KJFK (but it works for other airports too) you would see that US airports generally adhere to the rule of 1000 ft in distance between threshold and aiming point ...
user2530062's user avatar
4 votes
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How much do '1,500 total hours with 500 multi crew hours' cost in Europe?

This company offer a 'fast-track' modular course which, in their words: Our speciality is the training of pilots with no flying experience to become Fastrack airline ready pilots by means of ...
Cloud's user avatar
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How does the safety record of a Cessna 152 compare to a jetliner in Europe?

I have a fear of flight and I'm working on it. There is an airfield about 40 minutes from me and they offer flying lessons in a Cessna-152 for around 140 euros per hour. Pretty reasonable I think. So,...
Cloud's user avatar
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5 votes
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Safety regulations for take off spectators around airports?

In a Greek island, an A320 blasted a child ten meters away, during take off. It was with his family outside the airport (Greek src). I wonder what are the regulations, if any, for how much people are ...
gsamaras's user avatar
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Are ASR and PAR approaches commonly used in Europe?

How common are ASR and PAR approaches these days? Are they still practiced anywhere in Europe?
177's user avatar
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1 vote
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Where can I find data on the number of single propeller aircraft currently in operation in the EU and US?

Are there publicly available data for aircraft registered in operation? Specifically I am looking for number of single propeller aircraft in US/EU, ideally with aircraft types as well. However, any ...
LuTze's user avatar
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Are customs stops required for private flights within the Schengen Area?

I would like to make a VFR flight from Switzerland to Germany and Germany to France and then France to Switzerland. For the first step: Switzerland to Germany I know that I have to fill a custom ...
richpiana's user avatar
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Flying VFR in uncontrolled airspace, what to do if one spots an apparently out-of-control fire on the ground?

Suppose I'm flying VFR in class G (uncontrolled) airspace, monitoring the local CTAF frequency while doing so. Maybe I'm alone in doing circuits around the local airport, or maybe I'm practicing ...
user's user avatar
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Which countries in Europe allow for the use of Pilot-Controlled-Light?

In Europe is very uncommon to see this feature at airports due to the local regulations in different countries, but still some are allowed and use this system. What countries allow for its use? Please ...
Andrea Ghilardi's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a database of European surveillance radar installations?

Does anybody know a link to a database or appropriate webpage where I can find the locations of surveillance radar installations in Europe?
Ingenieur's user avatar
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34 votes
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Why are visual approaches (in the US) preferred by US pilots, but not European pilots?

I listen to ATC a lot and often hear airliners cleared for visual approaches in the USA. Interestingly, if it's European airliner pilots they deny the visual approach and request ILS even if they are ...
Andrius's user avatar
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Where to find approach plates for European aerodromes? [duplicate]

Where do I find the approach plates for European aerodromes? Is there a website intended for pilots updated and certified from the authority?
Andrea Ghilardi's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the current status of the deployment of RNP 1 and RNP 2 airspaces and approaches in Europe?

Is there an overview of the deployment of RNP 1 and RNP 2 airspaces and approaches in Europe? I'm looking for a map, that shows this information. Maybe even 'special' solutions that are not quite RNP....
mike's user avatar
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Can you recommend IFR material for Europe?

Is there a European equivalent to the FAA's "Instrument Flying Handbook" and "Instrument Procedures Handbook" that will illustrate how to fly different procedures in accordance with ICAO PANS-OPS Doc ...
super jet 100's user avatar
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What can I learn before I actually go to flight school (Austria)?

I am currently occupied with a large project which basically eats up all my money but will be done in a year or so. After that, I would like to get my PPL. So I am currently out of money but do have ...
Tom L.'s user avatar
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10 votes
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Why isn't transition altitude standardized in Europe?

In the US, the transition altitude is standardized at 18,000ft, however in Europe it is different for every airport. Why is it not standardized like it is in the US? I could see situations where ...
a25bedc5-3d09-41b8-82fb-ea6c353d75ae's user avatar
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How does the training for an EASA license from the US compare to that from Europe?

My plan is to work as a commercial pilot in Europe. But, I heard that the training in Europe might be more expensive and harder than in the US. For example, to get your PPL you have to face some 1000 ...
B.Yair's user avatar
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Which manuals should I study before flying to France, Portugal and Switzerland?

I am from Brazil. My crew and I will fly to France, Portugal and Switzerland. I am accustomed to flying to the USA, but it will be my first time to Europe, and I am studying the differences. Which ...
eduardoguilherme's user avatar
5 votes
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Why has the European Union banned several airlines?

The European Union does not permit the entry of several airlines in any of its member states. It does so to ensure the safety of its own airfields, as it feels that management of several airlines is ...
anshabhi's user avatar
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7 votes
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Why EU/US airline checked baggage allowance limited at 32kg?

For most full services on EU/US airlines, the permitted weight of each of the checked baggage allowance is 32kg. It is similar for the routes operated by non-EU/US airlines, even though their overall ...
Him's user avatar
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What mental health standards must a candidate meet in order to qualify for a pilot's medical certificates?

What are the mental health standards (if any) that a candidate pilot must meet in order to qualify for a medical certificate? Answers for Canada, the US, and Europe would be particularly interesting ...
Scary Spice's user avatar
1 vote
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Is it enough for crossing/ascending/descending IFR-flights to adhere to the separation minima?

The separation minima in Europe are in general 5NM lateral or 1000ft vertical. If the safety distance is too small, there is a conflict (loss of separation). When both aircraft are on the same track, ...
JaBe's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is there such a a thing as a single European pilot's license?

The pilot licensing process in Europe seems to be rather, well, complex... I've heard of JAA, JAR-FCL and now apparently EASA licenses, although EASA's website says otherwise: the Agency is not ...
Pondlife's user avatar
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What are the Single European Sky (SES) and Functional Airspace Blocks (FABs)?

Air Transport World is reporting that the European Commission has initiated legal proceedings against Germany, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Luxembourg; for not implementing FABs by the ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
12 votes
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Are US pilots permitted to carry & use their firearm in countries where guns are illegal?

On the question of Are pilots armed?, one thing this made me think is: for the few that are armed, are they allowed to bring their weapon into, for example, the UK? What is the procedure? Does the ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar