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Questions tagged [ffdo]

The Federal Flight Deck Officer program trains and permits US crewmembers to carry firearms in-flight.

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15 votes
1 answer

Would a pilot know that one of their crew is armed?

The Federal Flight Deck Officer page on Wikipedia says this: Under the FFDO program, flight crew members are authorized to use firearms. A flight crew member may be a pilot, flight engineer or ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Which countries permit pilots to carry a firearm?

In the US, the FFDO programme trains and permits pilots to carry a firearm in the cockpit. Do any other countries have a similar programme?
Danny Beckett's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Are US pilots permitted to carry & use their firearm in countries where guns are illegal?

On the question of Are pilots armed?, one thing this made me think is: for the few that are armed, are they allowed to bring their weapon into, for example, the UK? What is the procedure? Does the ...
Danny Beckett's user avatar