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Questions tagged [flight-training]

Flight training includes all aspects of training and testing pilots and other crew members

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Trouble with flight school and the change in flight instructors

How do I easily adjust to the instrucuting processess of a new flight instructor, So I can fininsh flight school early enough, I have had 3 flight instructors in the past 2 months and it has stalled ...
chappal's user avatar
  • 11
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Why aren't more flight schools covered by the Pell Grant and student loans?

I tried to find flight schools in Alabama that accept the Pell Grant. There are none. The are large collages that do take student loans and Pell but require you to live on campus. So, why are there ...
Justintimeforfun's user avatar
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A/FD Landing Weight Codes

The airport for the example shows only an S-17 for the runway bearing strength code in the Chart Supplement (A/FD). I understand this to mean single wheel per leg up to 17000lbs total landing weight. ...
Jonathan Wilkinson's user avatar
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Temperature change & Altimeter indication

Ref: FAA Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge 2023 (faa-h-8083-25c) Page 8-4, column 2, paragraph 3 (including figure 8-3) through page 8-5, column 1, paragraph 1. As a background to my ...
user20555384's user avatar
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Can student hours transfer from Argentina to USA to take the PPL test?

Can the 40+ hours done with a certified flight instructor in Argentina count as the required hours for the private pilots license here in the United States? The timing of the final test isn't working ...
Marcie Pyke's user avatar
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Providing flight instruction on a "N" aircraft towards an EASA license in Europe

I need some help getting clarification on the following: I hold a Dutch EASA CPL licence with instrument rating and FI privileges. I also hold FAA PPL with Instrument rating based my foreign (Dutch) ...
roeland's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Is 40+ too old to start a Commercial Pilot career?

I'm 44 and I just started my private pilot journey, however I would like to see if is worth it to get the commercial and maybe fly for profit, I wonder how is the market for commercial airlines or ...
alejjak's user avatar
  • 81
2 votes
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Can a person with cerebral palsy become a pilot?

I have mostly succeeded at everything I want in life except the one hobby I wish I could take up, and of course that hobby is flying, or I wouldn't be asking here. Background I graduated high school ...
eyoung100's user avatar
  • 123
13 votes
3 answers

Post license friendship - can club force instruction?

I have a situation that is a bit of a grey area and was hoping for some advice from other pilots that perhaps have been in the same situation. After getting my license, my instructor and I stayed ...
Cloud's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Why does the turn tighten in a Spiral Dive as it progresses? Even without applying any elevator control?

Why does the turn keeps getting tighter as the spiral dive develops? Use of elevator control makes sense as it would increase the horizontal lift vector inside the turn. But even without any elevator ...
Nish's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Aside from simulated dogfights, do F-22 Raptors actively participate in live fire/target practice using live munitions?

I am aware that the F-22 was developed specifically for the air-to-air superiority role, although it has previously proven its worth for multi-role missions (in performing ground strike missions ...
M66's user avatar
  • 134
1 vote
1 answer

How do I convert my Sudanese ICAO ATPL to UK CAA ATPL?

I have a Sudanese ATPL with an ERJ-145 type-rating and 1858 total hours and 636 hours on type. How do I convert that to a UK ATPL?
Mohand abdelrahman 's user avatar
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Can aircraft certified under the new EASA Part 21 Light "Declared process" be used for commercial operations?

The new Part 21 Light for EASA member states includes a "declared" process for aircraft up to 1200 kg and two seats. This process results in a restricted CofA for use in EU member states (...
Mumbles's user avatar
1 vote
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I have a commercial rotorcraft student and he wants to get rated in an airplane

My new student has his commercial rotorcraft. He is working on his ASEL and he already has most of the experience requirements for PPL. Since he is already commercial rated wouldnt he be taking his ...
Miaflyer219's user avatar
4 votes
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Irrational acrophobia-like anxiety caused by wave soaring

This will probably sound utterly bonkers to many and I feel very awkward coming out with this publicly - I'm a gliding instructor with 650 hours flying experience, and I'm scared of heights. It's ...
Toby Wilson's user avatar
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How dedicated do I have to be to flying to get my privates rating [closed]

I am a new student pilot. I have flown for 3 lessons and my flight instructor asked me what path I want to take with flying.
haviationw's user avatar
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Under EASA regulations can I log PIC hours on exercises for a rating already completed?

The scenario is this: a zero-to-hero modular CPL program is contracted at School A. Due to delays, the student decides to jump ship and complete the CPL exercises at School B in order to enable him to ...
Clayton Thomas's user avatar
9 votes
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Are Part 141 or Part 61 pilots safer?

Is there any statistical data showing whether private pilots trained at Part 61 or Part 141 schools are less likely to be involved in an accident, all else (including amount of experience, type of ...
Someone's user avatar
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What frameworks exist to assess piloting skills and ability and how can one assess themselves against these?

What are the existing frameworks and methodologies used to evaluate and measure piloting proficiency, and how can individuals effectively assess their own skills and knowledge based on these ...
youngpilot's user avatar
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How precisely are pilots expected to be able to read altimeters?

I'm writing a program to practice reading three-hand analog altimeters. How precisely should a pilot be able to read one?
kj7rrv's user avatar
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7 votes
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Do pilots still not need additional simulator training to fly the 737 MAX?

Boeing added the MCAS system to the 737 MAX so pilots didn't have to go through expensive simulator training to get used to the changed flight profile caused by the engine redesign. Do pilots still ...
Nzall's user avatar
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8 votes
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Why is only one rudder deflected on this Su 35?

Why does the aircraft has only one rudder deflected in this picture?
George Geo's user avatar
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What are the cheapest flight schools for a PPL license ($12500)?

I live in Egypt and I finally decided to pursue my dream to become a pilot. The first step as everybody surely knows is to get my PPL license. However, in order for me a NON-US citizen to be eligible ...
boodo17's user avatar
  • 89
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Touch-and-go methodology in high-performance singles

I flew a high-performance aircraft for the first time recently (SR22T) and nearly ground-looped the thing during a touch-and-go because the instructor gave me absolutely zero pre-flight instruction (...
joshperry's user avatar
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Stop flight training and start again in a different country

Is it possible to put PPL flight training (started in the US) on hold and pick it up again in a different (European) country? Would one have to start all over again or would the US training be ...
fab's user avatar
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Can a student pilot certificate be used for transportation with an endorsement?

If I live in Anytown and need to make a trip over to Bigcity for non-flight-training-related purposes, I have a student pilot certificate, it's just me going, and I have a solo endorsement from my ...
Someone's user avatar
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How long does it take, in average, to train for a different plane?

During the Russia-Ukraine war, there are considerations about donating F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, but there would be problems with providing training for that specific plane. Training for another F-...
WoJ's user avatar
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What (if any) is the fastest way to make money with a pilot's license (without being full time employed)?

I'm in the USA, and I was considering getting a pilots license with the idea that I could have like a small charter plane and make some money. However, I learned that after getting the 'initial' ...
Tony DiNitto's user avatar
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Can a flight instructor applicant take CFII as an inital rating and be endorsed for 61.185(a)(2) and (3)?

I have some questions about CFII endorsement. Is it possible to do CFII as the initial flight instructor rating? If an applicant wants to do CFII initial, could the applicant be trained and be ...
sophie's user avatar
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Are paramotors a good option for someone interested in flying, if so, what kind of regulations apply to them?

I am someone who wants to learn how to fly something, anything that I can ride in because it's just cool, are paramotors cheap and easy to use enough to get from novice to safe pilot in about a year ...
Ryan Christiansen's user avatar
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Where can I save the cost of private pilot training

I'm a Chinese who want to take private pilot training. I know there are some personal factors that can reduce the expenses. But Is there any other factors like posistion of the flight school which can ...
demonguy's user avatar
  • 355
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Are the NPPL minimum annual hours really safe?

I am a Microlight pilot (Ultralight for U.S folks) with an NPPL(m) rating. The minimum requirements for bi-annual license renewal is: 12 hours flying 12 take-offs and landings 1 hour of instruction ...
Cloud's user avatar
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6 votes
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Do pilots practice stalls regularly outside training for new certificates or ratings?

I know that stall practice in real aircraft is part of PPL training, and that airline pilots training for type ratings practice stalls in simulators. After obtaining a certificate/type rating, do ...
Someone's user avatar
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How is half of the wing strut (high wing) [or half the aileron (low wing)] a good reference to estimate gliding distance? [closed]

Through training and still to this day, I keep on using these reference points to judge if I am at the right distance from the runway or the field I aim to land at (forced landing).
Gappa1989's user avatar
3 votes
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Can you fly a VFR practice approach at night that is Notam’ed “NA at night”?

To frame the question more specifically, at KCSV the ILS Z 26 approach is NOTAMed “NA at night”. So is it legal to fly the approach VFR for training purposes to satisfy aeronautical experience ...
RattMuscle's user avatar
4 votes
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Currency requirement for a Private Pilot adding a glider rating?

I have a Private Pilot certificate {ASEL, instrument) that I got years ago, and I haven't flown airplanes in over ten years. I'm trying to get back into flying now, but not in airplanes; I want to get ...
mergeconflict's user avatar
3 votes
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Can an instructor with an Instrument Airplane Instructor rating instruct for PPL?

I'm graduating from college this May, and as a graduation gift, I'm planning on getting my FAA PPL. I'm wondering if my father (with the FAA ratings below) could be my instructor for the 20 hours of ...
Niam's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is it legal to accept money for flight training as a gift?

If John offers to pay for Jane's PPL flight training, and Jane accepts it, is she violating rules against compensation? If so, is it feasible to get some kind of waiver? Does it matter whether or not ...
Someone's user avatar
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Logging instrument time with a simulator with only a CFI present

I am a private pilot working on my instrument rating. I have all my required instruction time and am working to build time to my 40 hours. My new flight school has a qualified simulator. My CFII is ...
Matthew Rasmussen's user avatar
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What are the chances of a fresh pilot school graduate to get a 'trainee' position at an airline in Europe?

My daughter (19) is about to start a career as a pilot. She completed the entry test to a pilot school in Norway (we live there) and got her Class 1 medical license. She's going to enroll for a 2-year ...
sandorb's user avatar
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What's the most commonly used circling approach procedure in the US National Airspace System?

As the title says: which of the many circling approaches in the US National Airspace System holds the title of "circling approach that is flown most frequently?" My guess is it's the KTEB ...
UnrecognizedFallingObject's user avatar
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Any light aerobatic aircraft suitable for a first aircraft after getting pilot's license?

I plan on getting my pilot's license next spring and purchase an aircraft. My intention is to purchase an aircraft capable of light aerobatics but with flight characteristics suitable for a beginner. ...
SDH's user avatar
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Why does airspeed increase with more throttle if RPM stays the same?

Given a constant speed propeller, the RPM will stay the same because of the governing system which changes the blade angle. But in cruise flight if you add more power and keep the RPM's the same, ...
RattMuscle's user avatar
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tail wheel landing roll out

I'm new to tail wheel and recently every time in my landing roll out the plane seems to have a tendency to to go to the right and when i try to correct it feels like the plane will tip over. Is there ...
Parker Hill's user avatar
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Is there a "learner's permit" for pilots?

To get a driver's license (in Oregon), you have to pass a written test, get an instruction permit, get 100 hours of supervised driving practice, take a drive test, then get your driver's license, at ...
Someone's user avatar
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25 votes
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How to avoid or cope with a bad day where my flying felt sloppy?

This morning I went out to do a flight and I wasn’t my usual self. I was just sloppy in the pattern, not hitting my speeds, overshooting the final, radios were sub par. Backstory. Last week I was ...
youngpilot's user avatar
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How can I become a master at the radios?

Are there any resources for student pilots who wants to get better at the radios? Currently, I am immersing myself by using but what I am looking for is perhaps scripts between pilot and ...
youngpilot's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can you choose to swap to a PPL when learning a (EASA) LAPL?

If I were to start flight training for a (EASA) LAPL and decide later (before completing the LAPL) that I wanted to do a PPL instead, is a switch possible? Could the hours flown in pursuit of the LAPL ...
Jeremy H's user avatar
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Can I log dual received if I received training from a CFI and I sit in the back seat?

(h) Logging training time. A person may log training time when that person receives training from an authorized instructor in an aircraft, full flight simulator, flight training device, or aviation ...
James's user avatar
  • 29
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Zero experience to A320 in seven months?

Some flight schools advertise a "direct path to A320 or B737 f/o after 7 months." Is it a more difficult transition to go to a fly-by-wire aircraft straight out of initial training? Are ...
Chirp907's user avatar

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