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Questions tagged [easa-regulations]

EASA maintains the aviation laws for most of Europe. It contain rules pertaining to everything aviation-related: pilots, aircraft, maintenance, flight training, airlines and other commercial operations, the marking of obstacles and buildings, etc.

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Can I land in ILS CAT I when no RVR info is available and VIS is 700m? According to easa

Category I (CAT I): a DH not lower than 60 m (200 ft) and with either a visibility not less than 800 m or a RVR not less than 550 m I was wondering if it is legal to convert VIS to RVR and land when ...
Filip Adam's user avatar
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Can I get an EASA Class 1 Medical with a cured depression?

I had depressions and from January this year to last week I took escitalopram 10mg daily. I want to be a pilot and apply to the european flight academy at the end of 2025. Is this a problem to get my ...
WaterIsImportant's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you fly a newly EASA type certified aircraft in the USA?

If you get an aircraft that has just been issued a type certificate by EASA, can you fly it within USA in the same category right away? I'm reading about Bilateral Agreements and it seems that the ...
Gabe's user avatar
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EASA Regulations regarding Private Aircraft for PPL training

Can somebody advise what are the EASA specific regulations that apply regarding the use of a privately registered aircraft for PPL training? Links in particular to the EASA website would be greatly ...
Alex's user avatar
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SERA.8012 and ATS.TR.220 Wake Turbulence Separation application

I need small clarification on current European documents SERA and Part-ATS. Based on SERA.8012(a): (a) Air traffic control units shall apply wake turbulence separation minima to aircraft in the ...
Bohdan Bessonov's user avatar
3 votes
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Flying N-registered Aircraft in the EU (as an EU resident)

Until recently, I believed what the old, wise men of my local flying club had been telling me for years: You can fly N-registered aircraft in Europe... as long as you have an FAA license. I recently ...
Wasserwaage's user avatar
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When ATC tells you to climb or descent now, do the speed restrictions on SIDs and STARs still apply? (EASA)

I am flying the ELSUP 1H departure. After taking off, I get told to climb to FL100. Do I have to comply with the speed restrictions? Is it the same for a STAR?
standel's user avatar
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How will future NOTAM exchange world wide work with DigitalNOTAM?

As by my knowledge the world wide exchange of NOTAMs is based on the ICAO format within the AFTN - between all the ANSP, including as biggest the FAA(USA) and Eurocontrol(Europe). This is as well by ...
PaulEdison's user avatar
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Above which altitude an airplane is required to have oxygen mask for the passenger?

Is there a maximum altitude above which an aircraft needs to have oxygen mask available for the passengers?
Gabe's user avatar
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Why is Airbus' FCOM structure so different from EASA's recommended OM-B structure?

aicraft operators are allowed to publish their own operations manuals part "B" and in the past, have done so. I nrecent years, many operators revert back to "plain old vanilla" ...
Ulu83's user avatar
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Is there any electric aircraft certified by the FAA?

I see this EASA publication about the Pipistrel Velis Electro being certified on 2020(almost 4 years now). Is there any electric aircraft certified by the FAA? and if not is there any reason why not ...
Gabe's user avatar
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Selection of cruise FL and semi-circular rule

Let's assume I am flying VFR from A to B. B is located north-northwest of A, eg. a direct course would yield a magnetic track of, say, 350°(M). However, some legs of my route are northeastwards, ...
M2FKXY's user avatar
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H145 helicopter type rating trainings

There are different variants of H145 helicopter (BK117), there are BK117, BK117 C2, BK117 D2 and BK117 D3 helicopter. So if you finish type rating training for example for BK117 D2, and you want to ...
cirica's user avatar
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Can aircraft certified under the new EASA Part 21 Light "Declared process" be used for commercial operations?

The new Part 21 Light for EASA member states includes a "declared" process for aircraft up to 1200 kg and two seats. This process results in a restricted CofA for use in EU member states (...
Mumbles's user avatar
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EASA FCL Clarification (FCL.810 Night Rating)

I'm having an argument whether I can file a Z Flight plan from a non-instrument aerodrome to an instrument one at night to collect hours for the night rating. FCL.810 requires ..a training course .. ...
ExternalUse's user avatar
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SPL to PPL(A) conversion

I'm currently flying with gliders as a hobby whilst getting my SPL for it. (Belgium - EASA) I know there is SPL TMG and PPL(A) TMG. (don't know the difference) Once I get to PPL(A) TMG, I want to get ...
meiko's user avatar
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Radiotelephony certificates in Germany: to get AZF do i need BZF first?

I've been asked by LBA (German Civil Aviation Authority) to acquire the general radio telephony certificate (AZF) in order to convert my FAA ATP to a German EASA ATPL. Can I get the AZF immediately or ...
cap10issa's user avatar
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Why are there no stall angle requirements outlined by regulations like CS-25?

When reading regulations like CS-25, it outlines specific requirements for stall speed such as CS 25.103 Stall speed: Source The only mention of angle of attack is in relation to stick pushers. Is ...
ROIMaison's user avatar
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Under EASA regulations can I log PIC hours on exercises for a rating already completed?

The scenario is this: a zero-to-hero modular CPL program is contracted at School A. Due to delays, the student decides to jump ship and complete the CPL exercises at School B in order to enable him to ...
Clayton Thomas's user avatar
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Why are there separate certification rules for aircraft and engines?

I have a question about certification rules for large civil aircraft. I know that these are certified according to (for example) EASA CS25. Additionally, there are separate certification rules for ...
Lightsider's user avatar
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What do I need to do to fly a Microlight to France?

I wish to fly a C42 to France from the UK. I can file the flight plan from Skydemon, but I have an NPPL, so I believe I need to obtain permission from French authorities and maybe do other things. ...
Cloud's user avatar
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The recording of takeoffs and landings in a logbook, particularly in the context of multipilot operations?

It has recently occurred to me that I may not be correctly documenting my takeoff and landings in my logbook. I am currently using a paper logbook (until I unfreeze my ATPL) and have been creating a ...
tedioustortoise's user avatar
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Private aircraft seating and exits - any rules?

Airliners and charter jets, operating under Part 121, 135, or their foreign equivalents, fall under regulations to ensure accessible exits, 16g seats, and other aspects of occupant safety. Private ...
Therac's user avatar
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Is it against the regualtions to install a dummy set of landing gear during aircraft maintenance?

We will be removing a set of landing gear for overhaul, so we are arranging a set of unserviceable landing gear to keep the aircraft mobile. I would like to know if doing so is against any FAA or EASA ...
Ng Wilson's user avatar
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How to log FTD time during airline selections?

I'm currently going through some airline selections in Europe for which it is common to fly 45 mins PF and 45 mins as PM during the assessment. I'm wondering how I am, if at all, supposed to log this ...
berlacht's user avatar
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Can someone under training of MPL(A) or CPL(A) attain a PPL(A)? That is, is it possible to attain multiple licenses simultaneously?

As the title says, is this possible according to EASA? According to the Swedish authorities, EASA do not allow attaining a second license before completing the first. But I have a hard time finding ...
Silver's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Speed change in IFR flight in class C or D airspace

Can I change speed while flying IFR in class C or D airspace without having a clearance from ATC? I tried to find it in some documents on EASA website but I did not find anything.
Filip Adam's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Can I become an aircraft technician if I have color-blindness?

Are there any restrictions imposed by any aviation-authorities that would prevent a color-blind person from becoming an aircraft technician?
Jibi's user avatar
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17 votes
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Am I allowed to take a liferaft onto a commerical flight?

I am planning on taking my aviation certified life-raft (Revere Aero Compact liferaft): "Raft inflates automatically in less than 30 seconds with self-contained CO₂ inflation system" on a ...
Ted Staggs's user avatar
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Foreign EASA 145 Approval Without NAA Approval

I am just trying to wrap my head around a certain matter. Can a foreign EASA 145 approved organisation release a component if it is based in a country and does not have that country's NAA's approval? ...
Talha's user avatar
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EASA Part-NCO; Approach light system

EASA Part-NCO, specifically OP.110, refers to 4 different lighting systems (NALS, BALS, IALS, FALS) to be considered when determining the landing minima. However, there are quite a few different ...
ExternalUse's user avatar
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Can you choose to swap to a PPL when learning a (EASA) LAPL?

If I were to start flight training for a (EASA) LAPL and decide later (before completing the LAPL) that I wanted to do a PPL instead, is a switch possible? Could the hours flown in pursuit of the LAPL ...
Jeremy H's user avatar
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What are the limits for IFR legal heading indicator and compass?

I am a student pursuing CPL/MEIR at a flight school in Turkey that's equivalent of a part 141 in the US. Our instrument equipment check procedures for IFR flight contains comparing the compass heading ...
Mertali Çakmak's user avatar
-2 votes
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What is a control area? [closed]

I read a controlled area is a controlled airspace extending upwards from a specified limit above the earth. But what is the difference between a contolled airspace and a control area.Also what about ...
Yosef Jabbour's user avatar
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Are there significant differences between EASA and FAA when teaching jet aircraft performance?

Both regulatory bodies did a great effort in regulation harmonization, but I'm looking for any significant differences (if any) in how is taught the subject from the pilot point of view, i.e. ...
O'Terror's user avatar
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How to prepare for a PPL license (before officially starting the course)?

I am aiming to get my PPL(A) licencse next year, the official start will be around spring, when my savings plan is due. I have lately been able to free up my schedule a little for the current year, ...
pat3d3r's user avatar
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Do I need a physical print-out of weight & balance calculations onboard

Our flight school taught us to print out some documents relevant to flight preparation and take them onboard the aircraft: This usually included weight & balance...
Wasserwaage's user avatar
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Is a Class 2 medical enough for being a (remunerated) Flight Instructor (FI (A)) in the European Union (EASA)?

Suppose I only hold a valid PPL(A) License with a valid Class 2 medical certificate issued in the EU. Can I become a Flight Instructor for PPL(A) with this medical certificate or do I need to hold a ...
D1X's user avatar
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Can foreign military flying hours be counted towards an EASA ATPL in Hungary?

I'm an ex- Indian Air Force helicopter pilot with about 4000 hours of flying experience, including some 2500 hours as captain and about 500 hours as an instructor. Is there any means by which, I can ...
Jay Dee's user avatar
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Regaining airworthiness of a commercial aircraft

If a large commercial part 121 aircraft has lost it's airworthiness, and remained in that state for several months while being operated despite the loss of the airworthiness, what inspections and ...
Jpe61's user avatar
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PPL H - Previously logged hours from the past towards CAA and EASA after Brexit

I have 50+ student hours in rotorcraft from about 8 years ago in the UK under the CAA. I am now looking to restart training in Europe for a dual EASA and CAA license. I've been told that because my ...
James's user avatar
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21 votes
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Why is the 5G rollout a problem in the USA but apparently nowhere else?

The FAA is concerned that 5G cell phone signals could adversely affect radar altimeters on aircraft. This is because 5G signals are in the 3.7 to 3.98 GHz range, while radar altimeters operate in the ...
Dave Gremlin's user avatar
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What is considered to be a flight into known Icing?

I am aware that flight into known icing is prohibited if your aircraft is not suitable to fly in icing conditions (unless e.g.: FIKI,...). Given the following example I am wondering if it would be ...
Ted Staggs's user avatar
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Do the FAA 8130-3 and EASA Form 1 have a validity period?

I have investigated both FAA and EASA regulations and am unable to conclude if there is any restriction or limitation to the validity of an FAA 8130-3 or EASA Form 1 release. So technically, any of ...
Talha's user avatar
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Does simulator time count towards Flight Time Limitations under EASA?

Does flight time in a FFS (Level D) count towards the maximum flying hours permitted under flight time limitations? e.g. you spend 4 hours in a simulator. Do those 4 hours come off your maximum flying ...
Curious's user avatar
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How many thousands of flight hours does it take to certify a jetliner?

How much time in flight hours does it take for a civilian aircraft (the Airbus A350-1000 for example) to get its certification from say either FAA or EASA? To make the question more practical, I used ...
shirish's user avatar
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Can a private pilot land at any category of airport?

I'm aware that commercial pilots require special training for landing at Category C airports (e.g. Innsbruck), but I was wondering if, as a private pilot I could land at an airport such as this, ...
LukeDunkley's user avatar
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What is the minimum runway surface friction coefficient?

After calculating the friction coefficient for an asphalt runway pavement through a test, how to know if it’s acceptable or not? In other words, hat is the lowest acceptable value for friction ...
AeroEng's user avatar
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What limitations are there in restraining unruly passengers under EASA rules?

Today I saw this tweet: American Airlines passenger was duct taped to her seat after she tried to open the plane door, then bit a flight attendant. I showed this to my father (a commercial pilot) ...
Federico's user avatar
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Is an aircraft maintenance diploma under EASA recognized for studying in the US?

I have a diploma certificate of aircraft maintenance engineering but I studied under EASA. So can I study and take the Bachelor degree in the USA without restarting all my study?
Amal Alrumaidhin's user avatar

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