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Questions tagged [general-aviation]

General aviation (GA) includes all civil aviation activities except scheduled, commercial passenger flights. GA covers private recreational flying, corporate jet flights, flight training, crop dusting, aerial photography, and other activities.

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-1 votes
0 answers

ADF interception

An aircraft heading 135° (M) with 13° Right drift intercepts the 082° (M) track outbound from an NDB. The relative bearing of the NDB that confirms track interception is: A) 137° Relative. B) 132° ...
Gamer's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

STOL AIRCRAFT in Flight [closed]

Aviators here is a question. Can you land a "STOL" aircraft in a "C5A Galaxy" while both are flying?
Richard Exnicios III's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How does WAAS improve the accuracy of the GPS?

The satellite constellation in the United States is called WAAS, which stands for Wide Area Augmentation System. It consists of 38 satellites, three ground master stations, and three geostationary ...
Arunabh's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can a sonic boom occur in supersonic Mach number?

If the wing's leading edge has a sufficient swept angle , then it is called a subsonic leading edge. Therefore, if the air speed is supersonic, the air speed on the wing will still be subsonic. ...
alireza's user avatar
  • 117
0 votes
2 answers

Do TFRs create a de facto Class C airspace around untowered fields?

Inspired by this question: If a TFR requires discrete squawk and two-way ATC (Class C requirements) whenever within the airspace, and an untowered field exists within the TFR's boundary, does that ...
William Walker III's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How do jet engine turbines blades rotate in different directions?

I have seen many jet engines' turbine blades rotate in different directions while they look on same shaft. I wish to understand how they can rotate in different direction. The picture below explains ...
eeesa's user avatar
  • 121
0 votes
1 answer

Do you need a working VOR ground facility to fly a VOR approach if you have an FAA approved WAAS GPS? (e.g. G1000)

since TSO C145 and C146 are considered stand-alone units (you don't need an actual VOR receiver in a/c to fly the VOR approach or to fly on V airways), However, do the ground-based navaids (VOR) still ...
the Flying Duchess's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Fuel Selector Checks

I'm getting my multi-engine add-on at the moment in the PA44 (Piper Seminole). It helps me to understand why I'm doing something to more proficiently execute the checklist and troubleshoot should I ...
Ryan BW's user avatar
  • 51
1 vote
1 answer

How can I hear the ATC communications with my instructor loud and clear in my headset

I am training with the DA40 TDI GARMIN 1000 FADEC aircraft, whenever me and my instructor talk to each other,it is loud and clear but when he speaks with ATC or ATC with him, it becomes quiet and ...
Philoko's user avatar
  • 43
0 votes
0 answers

FAA to TC conversion

I am trying to convert my FAA ATPL to a Canadian ATPL. However I need to do an IPC and a Bi-annual flight review. Does anyone know of anywhere/anyone in Canada that can do this? I need to do it here ...
lystra simon's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Lost logbook want to fly again

I took flying lessons in the 1980’s and logged about 50 hours including solos but never got a ppl. I want to start flying again but after several moves can’t find my pilot logbook. Do I have any ...
Publicola76's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is this legal to fly with passengers at dusk or dawn without night currency?

In USA, as per 14 CFR § 61.57, night currency requires three full stop takeoff/landings one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise. If a pilot is NOT night current but is day current, does the ...
CyberdyneStaff's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Need help Identifying Aircraft Panels

I have the following aircraft panels which I would like to Identify and get an understanding of its value. Any help is greatly appreciated! First Panel: Length: 19 ½ in. Height: 8 in. Second Panel: ...
SDASM's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How does rudder braking work? [duplicate]

I've always been unable to understand how rudder braking/toe braking works and how you steer while using rudder braking. Hence I came to this website with possibly the most knowledgeable people I ...
Aerospace_Nerd's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to avoid rocking side to side after touchdown?

I'm a fresh student pilot with about 20 flight hours in an Aquila A210. One thing that sometimes seems to happen to me is that after touchdown, the plane slightly swerves to one side (I can feel it in ...
Double M's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

How can I find the minimum and maximum airspeeds for efficiency with a specific prop/engine combination?

I'm operating a Cessna 180 with various wing and weight mods with a TCM IO550D engine and a McCauley Black Mac (D3A34C401/90DFA-2 3 blade (88 inch) seaplane prop. I operate Lean of Peak (LOP) for most ...
DustyFlier's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What is "two letter identification code" and how is this code sent as a signal with light by flashing?

What is "two letter identification code" and how is this code sent as a signal with light by flashing?
pilot162's user avatar
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2 answers

Temperature change & Altimeter indication

Ref: FAA Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge 2023 (faa-h-8083-25c) Page 8-4, column 2, paragraph 3 (including figure 8-3) through page 8-5, column 1, paragraph 1. As a background to my ...
user20555384's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Why are supercritical airfoils not used in GA aircraft?

Why are supercritical airfoils not used in GA aircraft? The 787 is assumed to use a supercritical airfoil, so why don't GA aircraft use them? My guess is that they're harder to manufacture, and a lot ...
Wyatt's user avatar
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Why do the New York Special Flight Rule (SPFR) and Skyline routes exist simultaneously?

If I understand correctly Skyline just allows you to fly 1300-2000 ft, while SFRA allows you fly surface to 1300 ft. The question is, why there are 2 airspaces like this? Why can SPFR not cover ...
demonguy's user avatar
  • 355
0 votes
2 answers

why does the rotor could head (Nr) "overspeed" if the collective is lowered suddenly, what is the Physics behind it

I know that in helicopters the N2 and Nr are coupled. I would appreciate a physical explanation leading to the cause of how the rotor blades could overspeed if collective (power) is lowered suddenly I ...
YamchaAviator's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Do military transport aircraft engines rely on the same supply chain as the civilian version?

I know that some military transport aircraft share the same engine as civilian aircraft, e.g., the TF39 used in C-5A was called CF6 in the civilian market. When the manufacturer makes the plane, do ...
aham_brahmasmi's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Can I sell a 1975 Piper Cherokee Archer II with no Logs?

My father had a major stroke and I’m having to sell off his assets to fund his healthcare. One of the assets is a 1975 Cherokee Archer Piper PA-28-181. Unfortunately, I can’t find his logs/...
Vance Baker's user avatar
0 votes
4 answers

How much does the wing of a 6-seater plane weigh?

I could find plenty of information regarding the total weight (empty operating weight, maximum landing weight, and maximum takeoff weight) of every plane in commercial production. However, I could not ...
CoastCity Lapse 00crashtest's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Is it legal to turn off ADS-B before landing and only after takeoff in Europe (GA)?

I noticed in that all aircraft of a certain company do not show ADS-B signal on almost all take offs and landings (around 3000-4000 feet) over the past 6 months. ...
Jorge Leitao's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Is 40+ too old to start a Commercial Pilot career?

I'm 44 and I just started my private pilot journey, however I would like to see if is worth it to get the commercial and maybe fly for profit, I wonder how is the market for commercial airlines or ...
alejjak's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why is this plane circling over and over so late at night

Link to the specific flight on FlightRadar24 Why is this plane circling over and over so late? Really interesting, love tracking planes
Leo Goodwin's user avatar
2 votes
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Can a person with cerebral palsy become a pilot?

I have mostly succeeded at everything I want in life except the one hobby I wish I could take up, and of course that hobby is flying, or I wouldn't be asking here. Background I graduated high school ...
eyoung100's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Can you cross an ADIZ without filing a flight plan, if departure and arrival are in the US?

I am planning a flight from Houston to Florida. The quickest way for me is to just fly direct to across the water saving many miles. I am trying to do this VFR. Is this possible without filing a ...
Ted Staggs's user avatar
0 votes
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Garmin autopilot question

I recently took a check out in a Cessna 172 with a Garmin GFC 500. My instructor had said when the plane was turning on nav mode, to not select a different heading opposite of the turn and switch to ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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3 votes
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Are used planes worth their money for a private pilot?

I am thinking about getting PPL as a base step for pilot career. But all my previous life experience tells me that without practice, any skills would decrease rapidly with time. I have a sum of money ...
Даниил Галахов's user avatar
1 vote
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Which type of wing would be a better option for fixed-wing UAV? Mid or low?

In the context of VTOL hybrid Fixed-wing tiltrotor UAV, for the operation that would require low weight and more maneuverability for agricultural crop surveying, which option would be a good choice, ...
Tejas Raysad's user avatar
1 vote
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Effects of lead on engines and engine oil

I'm aware of the issues of spark plug fouling and lead deposits that tetraethyl lead can have on an aircraft engine, but what effects do lead and its compounds (metallic Pb, PbO, PbCl2, PbBr2) have on ...
user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What authority does the owner of an aircraft have as a passenger?

If Alice, who owns an aircraft and may or may not be a certificated pilot, flies in her plane as a passenger with her friend Bob as PIC, what authority, if any, does Alice have over the flight that an ...
Someone's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

What is the history life of Cessna 172 airplane?

How can i find manufacture date of cessna 172P knowing serial number?
EdKings's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why does a helicopter that uses the Coandă effect need a direct jet thuster aswell

Why does a helicopter that uses the Coandă effect instead of a tail rotor need a direct jet thruster as well. Why couldn't they just vary the pitch of the ducted fan used for the Coandă effect?
Peter R. McMahon's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Is needing to urinate an emergency?

I'm planning a 3.5 hour trip. Usually I urinate more frequently than that, but I will not drink many fluids the morning of the flight in an attempt to get to my destination directly. If a pilot or ...
Cloud's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Is this Common carriage?

It’s been a little while since I’ve studied common carriage vs private carriage.. I need a little advice with this situation. My dad is purchasing a plane (in his name and company) and I’m going to ...
Miaflyer219's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What type of Flare is best used in GA Survival kit?

I have a question regarding Survival Kit Signaling equipment for a General Aviation aircraft. what type of emergency Flares are recommended for aviation use? The Signaling gun with cartridges type or ...
user12253633's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Two Pilots Logging Dual PIC

I have a question regarding two pilots, Pilot A who flies under the hood, and Pilot B who is Safety Pilot. According to the FAA Hicks Letter, Pilot B can be made in charge of safety of flight to log ...
Shelton 's user avatar
-1 votes
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Human error analysis in general aviation [closed]

can anybody help me with understanding more about the human factors analysis in general aviation Controlled flight into terrain. I am researching on the topic and I would really appreciate any help in ...
Soumyajit Maiti's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How does pulling back on the yoke make you recover from a flat spin

One method I read here, to recover from a flat spin, is to pull back on the yoke or stick, which would push the tail down when facing to the back, and up a bit when facing forward. I assume, if the ...
Peter R. McMahon's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Could you use the flaps to recover from a flat spin

If the plane is in a flat spin, what would happen if you put the flaps down to cause the backward turning wing to be pushed down, and the forward turning wing up, to tip it out of the spin.
Peter R. McMahon's user avatar
0 votes
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Maximise Range Vs Pitching Down while flying a Glider in a Downward Air Mass

While flying a glider, if I encounter a downward moving air mass (i.e. sink) while on final, should I fly to maximise range (best lift to drag ratio) or should I pitch downward in order to exit the ...
JF0001's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Does the other engine have to go through extra checks when one engine fails

Many times I read articles on sites like aviaton herald about engine shutdown in fight because of some problem. It's given the problematic engine will be repaired. Question is about other working ...
user871199's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is there a reason why the vertical lines of some airplane envelope graphs are not parallel?

I am working on a project to develop an easy solution for mass and balance generation for my aviation club. (First example below) I checked the Graph of a PA-44-180 from the POH and wondered why piper ...
Ted Staggs's user avatar
1 vote
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Do I need any authorization to work and sign out performed maintenance on US-registered general aviation aircraft outside of USA? [duplicate]

I'm non-USA citizen and holder of FAA A&P Mechanic's certificate but haven't worked on US-registered aircraft since 1999 however all this time I'm involved in commercial aircraft maintenance and ...
Giorgi Nadibaidze's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Should you line-up the runway 90 degrees or follow the yellow marking?

I had a discussion with somebody recently. I prefer to do a 90 degree line-up on the runway, ensuring max take-off run available. (in GA airplanes...) However, somebody pointed out that one should ...
Ted Staggs's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Flying upside down without feeling it

A friend of mine told me that several years ago she flew on a two-seats general aviation aircraft. She does not remember the exact model, but she remembers well that the pilot flew upside down for a ...
Mark's user avatar
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What is the "Model TA-M" I marked in yellow in the table?

What is the "Model TA-M" I marked in yellow in the table? I think it represents a weather chart, but I don't know if it's an abbreviation or what the explanation is. The table image was ...
pilot162's user avatar
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