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Questions tagged [airport-lighting]

Use on questions about how airport lighting is used, installed or operated. Airport lighting includes runway and taxiway lights, approach lighting, airport beacons, etc.

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What is "two letter identification code" and how is this code sent as a signal with light by flashing?

What is "two letter identification code" and how is this code sent as a signal with light by flashing?
pilot162's user avatar
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1 answer

Runway edge and center line lights spacing

We use the number of visible lights on a runway edge/center line to estimate the RVR in LVTOs. So, what is the minimum/maximum spacing between runway edge and center line spacing ? Where do we find ...
THEDJA's user avatar
  • 29
6 votes
2 answers

What should I do to prevent confusion for pilots due to the long distance between edge units on taxiways next to rapid exit taxiways?

We are at Hurghada Int’l Airport (HEGN) and we have a problem in three rapid exit taxiways named V5, V6 and V7 with taxiway V: Moving to V5 for example, if you measure the distance between the first ...
Mahmoud Samir's user avatar
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What does MALSR stands for in an IFR chart?

I was going through PPL Jeppesen (I am a student pilot), and I was wondering if you could help me out by telling me the meaning of this. Been looking in different websites and other literature, but I ...
Nicholas Rodriguez's user avatar
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Does the fact that the TDZ is not written for runway 22 means there are touchdown zone lights only for runway 04?

Does the fact that the TDZ is not written for runway 22 means there are touchdown zone lights only for runway 04?
pilot162's user avatar
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What are the names by which runways are classified according to the configuration of the placement of the approach lighting systems?

What are the names by which runways are classified according to the configuration of the placement of the approach lighting systems? (I'm not talking about HIALS or HIALS-II because those terms are ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What exactly is the difference between HIALS and HIALS-II lighting systems?

What exactly is the difference between HIALS and HIALS-II lighting systems? The symbols at the beginning of the runways are very different and I cannot classify them in a particular way. But in ...
pilot162's user avatar
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28 votes
1 answer

Why are taxiway and runway centerline lights off center?

The centerline lights for runways and taxiways are to the side of the centerline itself by a few inches. This, of course, is not a problem, but why are the lights positioned that way? (Image: ...
Charles Nicholson's user avatar
1 vote
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There is a difference in the runway lighting systems symbolized in the planview and the lighting system specified in additional runway information?

Although two different lighting systems are symbolized for two runways in the airport plan view, the same lighting system is specified for runways 05 and 23 in the additional runway information ...
pilot162's user avatar
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What is the speed of the approach lights rabbit?

If you were flying past the rabbit and passed each bulb as it lit, what speed would you be flying at? The rabbit is 2400 feet long, spaced at 100 foot increments and consists of 15 lights. The math ...
Asher S's user avatar
  • 51
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Do sectional charts indicate which runways have lighting installed?

KSFF has 3 runways (one in the water, two on land). The sectional shows *L yet only 4L/22R has lights. Is there a trick on the sectional to tell which runway has ...
MonoThreaded's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Are airports still required to have a rotating beacon?

In the age of computers (GPS) do newly built airports still have the rotating beacon?
dean1957's user avatar
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Why is there no airport beacon light symbol on the sectional for KSAC, although it does have one?

The star symbol on the top of the airport means airport beacon light but Sacramento Executive (KSAC) has no star symbol but they do have a beacon light and controlled airport as well. Is that ...
Steven Ryu's user avatar
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What is the distance between RLLS lights?

I've looked everywhere for a few days now, but I can't seem to find the distance between lights on an RLLS approach lighting system. The specific one I am looking at is for the 31C approach at KMDW.
Cameron_Developing's user avatar
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Does pilot-controlled lighting work if you are interrupted by another voice transmission?

This question is in the context of pilot-activated runway lighting, which involves clicking the microphone e.g. 7 times to turn on the lights at night. I was wondering what happens when you are ...
aviator's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

What does the flashing green-light signal (return for landing) actually mean to NORDO aircraft?

Studying for the PSTAR I see that a flashing green signal while in the circuit means "return for landing" but this is not actually defined anywhere. What does that mean? NORDO = "is an aircraft ...
KBriggs's user avatar
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Why would there be a NOTAM for an airport rotating beacon being on continuously?

This NOTAM currently exists at Riverside airport: !RVS 01/014 RVS AD AP ABN ON CONS 2001141700-2001291700 The rotating beacon is on continuously per this NOTAM. ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
26 votes
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What was this mystery flash on an airport runway?

Recently I was onboard a commercial airliner and we had just landed and were headed for the gate. I cannot remember exactly which airport but it was either Schiphol(Amsterdam Airport) or Bristol. As ...
GeoMonkey's user avatar
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Do the white lights on the chimneys of the Tokyo area incineration plants serve an aviation purpose?

At least 新江東清掃工場 (Shinkoto Incineration Plant), 江戸川清掃工場 (Edogawa Incineration Plant) and 市川市 クリーンセンタ (Ichikawa Clean Center) ー blink with white lights in series. I know that the red lights of other ...
steros's user avatar
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What does this indication of '10∼15 degree' that points toward the both edge of runway means?

While I study FAR AIM, 2-1-1 approach light system, I saw this indication (on the left side) that I couldn't guess what it tried to demonstrate. It seems like runway end identifier lights, but I can'...
Student412's user avatar
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How is the aircraft stand vertical lux measured?

How is the vertical lux measurements taken for aircraft stands? Is it 2 m above the ground with the lux meter facing the light source, or parallel to the centreline? What is the purpose of the lights ...
M.aseed's user avatar
3 votes
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Are there limitations on taking off or landing if airport lighting such as the VGSI (PAPI) is out of service?

There are many types of airport lighting that aid pilot to land safely such as ALS, VGSI or runway lights. And some instrument approach procedures state that their weather minimums must be raised in ...
Min's user avatar
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Why are runway lights always on?

By driving often near my local airport, I deduced that runway lights are kept always on as soon as the day light or weather conditions require it. I also suppose that it comes from safety reasons ...
Dewydd's user avatar
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Are there differences between the runway lighting on a land runway and on an aircraft carrier?

How are the lights on aircraft carriers placed and are there differences to the color/position/number of lights at normal airports?
Frezzley's user avatar
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Do seaplane bases ever have marked "runways" or approach lighting?

Some seaplane bases have prescribed areas for landing, but are the landing areas marked by buoys or lights? If so are "runways" outlined in the water or just a general area? Do they have IFR ...
TomMcW's user avatar
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How come certain airports can have unique rotating beacon colors?

The Hershey Medical Center Heliport has a white-red-green beacon as opposed to a normal heliport white-yellow-green beacon. How is this allowed?
Isabella Pierson's user avatar
2 votes
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What Are These Runway Lights For?

I know that the strobe lights that flash in rapid succession of each other indicate the open end of the runway, to help guide pilots in at night. It's obvious the white lights indicating the edges of ...
Jon's user avatar
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Why are there many different approach lighting systems?

Why not just have only 2 or 3? What's the point of having such a number of different configurations? What's the practical application of each lighting scheme? I mean, do they really help pilots in a ...
177's user avatar
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What is a "Land And Hold Short Of" light?

A runway inspection found a "Land And Hold Short Of" (LAHSO) embedded light had become dislodged and had caused damage to a tyre. What is such a ...
Daniele Procida's user avatar
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3 answers

How are runway lights constructed?

How are runway lights constructed so that they are not damaged by aircraft wheels, and can continue to function safely, to demanding specifications, under a wide variety of environmental conditions?
Daniele Procida's user avatar
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Why doesn’t runway 31R at JFK have a VGSI?

All of the runways at JFK have a PAPI except 31R. Why does 31R not have any kind of VGSI?
TomMcW's user avatar
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Why aren't runways lit from overhead, like highways?

Why don't runways have overhead high-mast lights like roads? YouTube videos substantiate that aircraft landing lights and runway edge lights are too faint to illuminate the whole runway, and the ...
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Do LED lights work well for CAT III B operations?

Does any airport equipped with LED lights for all the CATIII B Components? If so, is there any history that it caused difficulty in aircraft operations? We are planning to install our new runway with ...
Gireesan M's user avatar
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Which countries in Europe allow for the use of Pilot-Controlled-Light?

In Europe is very uncommon to see this feature at airports due to the local regulations in different countries, but still some are allowed and use this system. What countries allow for its use? Please ...
Andrea Ghilardi's user avatar
6 votes
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What are the requirements for grass height around runways and taxiways?

I am looking for the requirements for grass heights around runway and taxiway edges, signs and lights?
Douglas Chaney's user avatar
5 votes
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What lights are used on top of a building or structure near an airport?

What type of light (strobe, beacon, color) should be displayed on top of a building or structure near an airport ?
Alfred 's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

What constitutes "the lights delineating the runway"?

ICAO defines RVR as "The range over which the pilot of an aircraft on the centerline of a runway can see the runway surface markings or the lights delineating the runway or identifying its centerline."...
lemonincider's user avatar
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Can the big "X" sign be used for purposes other than runway closure? [duplicate]

About last Sunday night in the dark I was departing LAX on a redeye. We pulled away from the terminals (maybe 500m?), made a right. Looking back out the window I saw a BIG lighted X (maybe 20? 30? ...
Fattie's user avatar
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Where can I find detailed information about ground lighting systems exist in aviation?

While I'm learning jeppesen charts, I find a list of symbols related to lighting ground facilities, there are a lot of weird abbreviation such as: Standard ALSF - 1/2, MALSR, SSALR, MALS, SALS, RLLS ...
wiaim's user avatar
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Does runway center lighting increase runway lifetime?

I wonder if the centerline lighting helps add a few more years to the runway, especially with heavy aircraft like A350/A380, in addition of being helpful for landing and takeoff? My question is based ...
shirish's user avatar
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Where do airports use 3-bar VASI for the visual glideslope?

What are some airports that have a 3-bar VASI system? I am trying to find some locations to compare what the chart supplements say to the supplements for those with 2-bar VASI systems.
wbeard52's user avatar
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What are the regulations for lighting fixtures around an airport?

I work for a company that is right next to an Air Force base and we were wondering what and if there are regulations for the lighting fixtures that we can install on our lot since we have a couple of ...
Erick Yerena's user avatar
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How is the ALSF-II approach lighting system built and powered?

The ALSF-II approach lighting system includes lead-in groups, a decision bar, red side bars and sequenced strobes: ALSF-II approach lights for KRFD - Chicago-Rockford Intl (source). Does anyone know ...
mins's user avatar
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Why would a pilot ask the tower to turn the VASI off?

This past Saturday I was taking off from runway 22 at Catalina Airport (IATA: AVX) when I heard on radio a GA pilot requesting the tower to turn off VASI after requesting weather advisory. I did not ...
kamran's user avatar
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How do I know if a runway has REIL?

I'm designing an airport of a flight simulator. One of the runway settings is Runway End Identifier Lights (REIL). Is there a way I can see if a runway at a US airport has REIL via the internet, and ...
Ksisky's user avatar
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What determines the positioning of PAPI lights from the runway threshold?

Why are PAPI lights installed 300m from the threshold? What are the conditions that define the position of the PAPI lights from threshold?
mrinal anurag's user avatar
6 votes
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How else can snowy/icy conditions disrupt airport operations?

In casey's fabulous answer here, he identifies several ways snow/ice can disrupt airport operations: Continuous heavy snowfall can eventually close an airport if it becomes impossible to keep the ...
UnrecognizedFallingObject's user avatar
11 votes
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How to decide on which side of the runway the approach path indicator (VASI, PAPI) are placed?

This answer provides pictures and drawing of implementation of both PAPI and VASI. In all pictures I found, I cannot figure if there is a rule to put those lights on the right, on the left, or on both ...
Manu H's user avatar
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8 votes
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What is involved in changing runway/taxiway/approach lighting?

When a runway inspection determines that there are bulbs out on any of the runway or taxiway lighting fixtures, what is involved in changing them? Does the runway/taxiway need to be shut down for all ...
FreeMan's user avatar
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Why does the airport plate list a VASI that does not exist?

I have a small but quite busy GA (General Aviation) airport I operate out of that gets over 140,000 of operations per year. It's a popular GA destination, has an active school, and the area schools ...
John's user avatar
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