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2NinerRomeo's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
14 votes

Where can I get the FAA data that defines airspace, including MOAs etc.?

12 votes

Why isn't it possible to locate the rudder in front of an airplane's center of gravity?

11 votes

Are solid-state attitude indicators subject to gimbal lock?

9 votes

Why is this video of a G36 Bonanza taking off so scary?

8 votes

How can I land without any propulsion? Was the Microsoft simulator right?

7 votes

Are military jets always scrambled when communication to a commercial aircraft is lost?

6 votes

People in a rollercoaster or falling elevator feel the rapid descent, so why don't pilots in the cockpit?

5 votes

How do I renew my ability to fly after 40 years?

5 votes

When is pre-heating a piston engine important, and how does one pre-heat correctly?

5 votes

What is a Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA) and what are its operational requirements?

4 votes

Are the turbulence reports by pilots via PIREPs used by other nearby aircraft or air traffic controllers to modify operations in any way?

4 votes

Is it required to contact approach when flying VFR into a Class D airfield?

4 votes

Why do some back course operations use normal sensing?

3 votes

Is an aileron roll easier, opposite the rotation of the propeller?

3 votes

What is the effect of non-LASER light sources on pilots?

2 votes

What's the rule of thumb for power and rpm in a constant speed prop?

2 votes

When departing from a class C or D airfield, what is the proper VFR procedure?

2 votes

Can I fly a practice LNAV approach with an iPad?

2 votes

What’s the setting range altimeters can handle?

2 votes

In the context of aerodynamics, what is a polar?

1 vote

Is smart phone's GPS accurate enough to calculate airplane speed?

0 votes

When are winds given with respect to true vs. magnetic north?

0 votes

Why would there be flight restrictions when the barometric pressure exceeds 31 inHg?

0 votes

Is the Falling Leaf maneuver used for UAV recovery?

0 votes

Who can access the FAA's Electronic Document Retrieval System?