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Questions tagged [roll]

Roll involves rotation around the longitudinal (front to back) axis (e.g., a barrel roll involves a complete 360 degree rotation on this axis). Use for questions about this particular maneuver in flight.

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AoA variation due to roll velocity but explained with vectors [closed]

I understand the concept, but I don't really see how the vectors add up to a higher AoA for the downward wing...
Ma T's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What stops a plane from rolling when the ailerons are returned to their neutral position?

I am trying to learn airplane dynamics. I made a 3D rigid body simulator using lift and drag equations but it does not behave the way I expect. When I deflect the ailerons, it causes the lift forces ...
takfuruya's user avatar
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What causes the secondary effect of rudder, and which direction does it act?

I understand that rudder deflection causes several things to happen. Primarily the aircraft yaws, and for a positive (trailing edge left) rudder deflection there will be a positive side force ...
mabec01's user avatar
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How do rolling airframe missiles steer?

There are a certain type of missiles that roll constantly in flight, so-called rolling airframe missiles. Missiles found in the category range from various MANPADs, to the creatively named RIM-116 ...
PeriodicParticle's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

What is the load factor in a descending turn?

Possibly related to How does the load factor vary when the aircraft pitches up/down? Could you help to settle a debate? I have recently flown a dead-stick approach with a CFI in the right seat. ...
ExternalUse's user avatar
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What is the difference between rate of roll and roll displacement?

I was studying Principles of Flight, I came across a sentence which is my question. _ the aileron is known as a rate control since a given aileron angle of deflection determines a rate of roll, not a ...
Pilot's user avatar
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Why do some planes drift to the left in flight simulators?

In different flight sims I've experienced the same effect on certain planes: when accelerating on the runway, the plane drifts to the left as if the rudder was set to yaw left. You can counter this by ...
Better not tell's user avatar
4 votes
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Adverse pitch on unstable aircraft's roll

In airplanes like the F-22, both the main wings and the tailerons provide (at least at subsonic speed) positive lift. My question is this: when performing a roll using all control surfaces ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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What is the maximum roll rate for an RC aircraft of low maneuverability?

I'm a student of mechanical engineering and my graduation project is basically an RC aircraft powered by a propulsion system and It is used for general transportation. The aircraft doesn't require ...
Mostafa Zewail's user avatar
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Can aileron control maintain track in a single engine failure on a twin?

Let us say I am flying a twin-engine aircraft and I got a engine failure during cruise, without any control on rudder and use the ailerons only, can I still maintain the target track or heading? Will ...
VvV's user avatar
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When, and how to calculate this, you can expect too much Wing Dihedral generates Dutch Roll, increases in Drag? [closed]

The question comes from the Arup designs, and the engineer who turned it into blueprints, Hoffmann, ('A Novel All Wing Airplane', Raoul J Hoffman, Popular Aviation, March 1935, pp 163 and 196), they ...
Urquiola's user avatar
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Do the stabilators on the F/A-18 also have a roll function similar to the F-22?

I'm curious about the F/A-18C. I know it has ailerons, but they seem too small to be greatly effective at low speeds. Do the stabilators have a roll function as well? If so, is there a speed at which ...
MD88Fan's user avatar
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Why is there a difference in the max spoilers extension between the A320 and A321 in a roll?

I was recently reading the Flight Controls chapter in the FCOM and I read that spoilers 2-5 extend a maximum of 35 degrees on the A320 however on the A321 spoilers 2,4 & 5 extend a max of 35 ...
Jai's user avatar
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What control surfaces do I need to move to do a roll in a model aircraft?

Figured that this was the better site to ask than drone SE, but if I'm wrong just let me know. I'm making a spitfire model and was just wondering how do I do a roll? I have elevator, rudder, and two ...
Ceramicmrno0b's user avatar
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What is the difference between a spin and an uncontrolled roll in an high speed dive?

A comment I had on another (now deleted) question states that China Airlines 006 didn't spin. For me it was a spin (unwanted roll due to asymmetrical stall). The comment states it was "it was a ...
Manu H's user avatar
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What is the name of the Instrument that indicates roll?

What is the name of the instrument that would indicate whether the wings are level or tilted (one higher than the other) as when flying IFR? Is it the inclinometer?
Glenn's user avatar
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What causes a plane to lose its roll momentum

I am currently developing a flight simulator but there is one force I can't figure out how to simulate using real world physics. When the pilot pushes the stick to the right, the plane will reach a ...
Anselme's user avatar
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what are the Common roll angle and roll rate limits for civil flights?

I'm currently doing simulations for eVTOL type of vehicles and for the purpose of controlling the attitude, I'd like to know the common limits for roll and roll rates (more important) that are in ...
Blahri's user avatar
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How is roll control achieved for the space ship two?

When looking at scaled composite 339 space ship two I fail to see control surfaces on the trailing edge of the wing. For me, it seems that the only moving surface on the wing is the feathering ...
Manu H's user avatar
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Did the Wright brothers patent their Wing Warping method in Germany?

I know that the Wright brothers patented their Wing Warping method for controlling the roll of a plane or glider in Great Britain, France, United States, Austria, Italy,... but did they obtain a ...
Simplex11's user avatar
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Are there roll control devices other than ailerons?

With the little that I've learnt about aeroplanes, I know that the aileron is the control surface that a pilot use to roll the plane by decreasing the lift of one wing and increasing the lift of the ...
dammy999's user avatar
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How does the load factor vary when the aircraft pitches up/down?

I know that when an aircraft starts rolling, it's load factor increases. But can anybody explain how does load factor vary when the aircraft pitches up/down? Does it increase/decrease?
Johnson's user avatar
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What costs less energy? Roll or Yaw?

Let's say you want to perform a turn anywhere from 1 to 90 degrees. Which will cost less energy? A bank or a yaw? Using the rudder does produce extra drag, because the control surface is deflected ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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Why do planes need a roll motion?

Isn't only pitching up/down and yawing right/left enough for travelling from one location to another?
muyustan's user avatar
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What are the exact meanings of roll, pitch and yaw?

I lack some 3 dimensional understanding. What are these angles referenced to? For example, R, P, Y all start from 0, plane is flying horizontal, then it inclines its nose by 90 degrees, moving ...
muyustan's user avatar
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How Helicopters Change Attitude (Gyroscopic Precession or Thrust Vector Tilt)

I am trying to determine how helicopters pitch and roll (i.e. change attitude). I have heard two explanations. 1) Pitch/roll change is achieved by tilting the tip path plane and therefor tilting the ...
eball's user avatar
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Why is "proverse" yaw better than no yaw?

Why is the tendency to yaw in the direction of the roll more desirable (since it's the "proverse" yaw) than the lack of yaw in response to roll? Is it even possible to have no yawing tendency at all ...
Francis L.'s user avatar
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What is the cause of this roll oscillation during BA492 go-around? [closed]

Earlier today, BA492 aborted a landing at Gibraltar due to a strong tailwind, according to this article. Videos of the go-around show the Airbus A320 undergoing pronounced oscillation in the roll axis:...
binaryfunt's user avatar
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What's the relationship between aileron deflection and roll moment?

I'm wanting to build a laterals-only kinematic model in MATLAB considering only the ailerons for control inputs and was wondering if anyone has a rough guideline for the relationship between their ...
Rim3rd's user avatar
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Is an aileron roll easier, opposite the rotation of the propeller?

We all know helicopters have tail rotors because they would spin out of control thanks to Newton's third law. That got me thinking, would a single propeller plane have an easier time doing an aileron ...
TheOrbitHeart's user avatar
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Why does an aircraft's nose tend to pitch downward at higher bank angles?

In the usual aircraft configuration, the center of lift is located behind the CG producing negative pitch moment (the horizontal stabilizer counteracts it by producing downforce - positive pitching ...
Darjan's user avatar
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How long can a commercial airliner fly at 90deg roll?

For how long can a commercial airliner fly at a 90deg roll angle ? Or can it at all ?
Ozzie's user avatar
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Flight physics for a roll [closed]

I am working on a pet project to write a game with flight physics. It will not be a simulator but instead much simpler. What I have done so far I have created winged components that generate lift ...
Charl Cillie's user avatar
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What is the axis of rotation in a high alpha roll?

When doing an aileron roll at a high alpha (say 25 degs), which axis will the aircraft rotate about? Is it the incoming air-stream vector or is it more the body X axis? And does the pitch inertial ...
Invariant's user avatar
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How to correct a roll due to turbulence?

I fly a Piper Cherokee 180 (PA-28-180) in an area that has frequent turbulence. When turbulence causes the aircraft to roll to one side I usually try to correct by using aileron and rudder in the ...
DLH's user avatar
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Does "pendulum effect" apply to hang gliders or any aircraft?

In discussion of aircraft roll stability in FAA paragraph on dihedral effect and in keel effect and in Why are high wing aircraft more stable the question of pendulum effect arises. This is usually ...
Pilothead's user avatar
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What is the direction convention for Roll angle?

This page from Wikipedia says: A positive rolling motion lifts the left wing and lowers the right wing. Which means that if an aircraft has a roll of +20 degrees, it would bank towards the right. ...
Xpleria's user avatar
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How is a confusion possible between Western and Russian Attitude Indicators?

Yesterday I watched a documentary on Crossair Flight 498 accident. One of the factors that might have contributed to the accident was the confusion of the pilot on interpreting the attitude indicator; ...
Claudi's user avatar
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How I determine numerically the roll rate of an aircraft?

I'm a Spanish student of aerospace engineering and I'm doing my final bachelor work that consists in designing an unlimited aerobatic plane, and I wonder if it is possible to calculate an ...
user30728's user avatar
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Would An-72-like (or any anhedral wing multi-engine aircraft) cruising at high speed, roll counter intuitively right, if left engine suddenly dies?

Assuming low angle of attack & anhedral wing configuration. (and as a consequence of natural left yawing moment)
user avatar
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Why does increasing thrust on one engine make the plane roll and not yaw?

If you increase the thrust on the right engine, the plane rolls to the left. But why? And why does the plane roll to the right and not yaw to the right? Note: I am not a pilot, nor have I followed ...
Stallmp's user avatar
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Why do Leading Edge Flaps (LEFs) create lift while down at slow speeds, but decrease lift while down at higher speeds?

When taking off or landing, both LEFs and trailing edge flaps (TEFs) for fighter aircraft are in the down position to provide more lift. However, when flying around at higher speeds (let's say 500-600 ...
Tom D's user avatar
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What is it called when you roll without yawing or pitching?

My instructor made me do an exercise that consists of banking the sailplane left and right around 30 degrees without moving from the axis. I need to aim for a specific point, and start with the ...
Santiago Flores's user avatar
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What is the name for yaw, pitch and roll together?

What is the name for yaw pitch and roll all together ? I've heard CMD used to refer to all of that information but don't know what it stands for. Is CMD correct? if so what does it stand for? is ...
third_meow's user avatar
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What is the direction of the sideslip induced by roll on a conventional aircraft?

For the sake of this question let's assume that the considered aircraft is an A320. The question is what is the sign of the aerodynamic $C_{n_q}$ coefficient? In another word, when the aircraft starts ...
Ludovic C.'s user avatar
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