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Martin's user avatar
Martin's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Uppsala, Sweden
54 votes

Are wings any more efficient at creating lift, versus orienting the engine's thrust downwards?

29 votes

How can best glide speed be lower than best rate of climb speed?

27 votes

What is the difference between a forward slip and a side slip?

23 votes

Why are many parts of an airliner required to be triplicated, but not the "parts" most likely to malfunction (i.e., the pilots)?

18 votes

If you were to fly an ILS in a knife edge would you receve GS and LOC be flipped?

17 votes

What are the spikes on Ingenuity's blades?

10 votes

In a piston aircraft, how much noise is generated by the engine, and how much by the propeller?

8 votes

What is the maximum altitude of barometric altimeters?

7 votes

What kind of flaps are used in gliders?

6 votes

If in a coordinated turn, the horizontal lift vector is equal to the Centrifugal force. Then how is the aircraft still turning?

5 votes

Why do we feel gravity on a plane?

5 votes

How do uncoordinated turns (skid, slip) affect a helicopter's turn radius?

5 votes

How does the nose of a plane self adjust down

5 votes

Why and how were "eybrow windows" helpful in tight turns?

4 votes

What is the "Centre of Pressure"?

4 votes

Is it possible to avoid vomiting while practicing stall?

3 votes

Why does elevator still raise and lower the nose when the aircraft is steeply banked?

3 votes

What is physics explanation for minimum sink rate airspeed?

2 votes

Can Savannah be stalled with agressive yoke pull?

2 votes

In general, how do aircraft handle differently in inverted flight versus in upright flight?

2 votes

What differentiates the entry procedures for spins and snap rolls?

0 votes

Pitot tube model

0 votes

Is the elevator really an 'angle of attack control' as described in Stick and Rudder?

0 votes

Is there an ideal lift distribution for human-powered aircraft?