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Jpe61's user avatar
  • Member for 5 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Northern hemisphere
24 votes

How to have a conversation about safety with new GA pilot?

23 votes

Why do airplanes sometimes turn more than 180 degrees after takeoff?

23 votes

How do missiles navigate and determine their orientation without GPS?

22 votes

What is this large engine doing on a B52?

21 votes

Why did the SR-71 Blackbird have a light on its top?

20 votes

In 1924, why did aviators use an oak propeller for pontoon aircraft and walnut propeller for wheeled aircraft?

19 votes

Can you weld a propeller blade from 120 degrees to 180?

18 votes

What are those ball-shaped things on some helicopter blades?

18 votes

What are these paint patches on this 787-8?

17 votes

What downsides could there be to not letting your engine's oil temperature get above the given limit to taxi/take off before you do so?

17 votes

Why are the speed brakes on the F-86 deployed when parked?

17 votes

How do witness marks on propeller blades provide data on estimated blade angles at the time of impact?

17 votes

How do helicopters avoid detection from enemies by using IR suppressors?

17 votes

Flight QS101 has been only flying butterflies over an airport recently. What is this about?

16 votes

What's the rationale for requiring ATP applicants to be at least 23 years old?

16 votes

Is it recommended to get a life raft for short overwater operations?

16 votes

Do black wings have better aerodynamics?

16 votes

Can the guard frequency be used by non-aircraft / general public?

15 votes

Why aren't push propellers common on wing engines?

15 votes

Bizarre photograph from an airshow

15 votes

Do jackscrews suffer from blowdown?

14 votes

What happened with flight AC692 to St John's?

14 votes

How can I communicate an emergency de-pressurization descent to the cabin as a passenger?

14 votes

Different planes with same registration? How is it possible?

14 votes

What kind of injury would force a Navy EA-6B pilot to stop flying and take a desk job?

13 votes

What is the brace position in light aircraft like a Cessna?

13 votes

Why do big modern airplanes not use a T-tail configuration for the horizontal stabilizer?

13 votes

Is it at all possible (or safe) to pursue a pilot's license with a history of mental illness?

13 votes

Why would a plane be allowed to fly to LAX but not Maui?

12 votes

What is the rationale behind requiring ATC to retire at age 56?

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