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Questions tagged [commercial-aviation]

Commercial aviation is the part of civil aviation, whether general aviation, non-scheduled service, or scheduled airline service, that involves operating aircraft for hire to transport passengers or cargo.

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Having a felony case that was dismissed [closed]

I have a Felony, that was dismissed last year, will this show up on an air-lines background check? Also, will it cause any problems as a pilot to fly into Canada?
Consuela Adems's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How prevalent are HUDs in civilian aircraft?

Head-up displays (HUDs) seem to be a must in modern war aircraft, and have been for quite a while. This is not much of a surprise for an aircraft flown by a two- or, often enough, one-person crew who ...
doppelfish's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Are all jetliners equipped with cabin air filtration system?

I want to know if all commercial jetliners are now equipped with cabin air filters or not. I knew that, till some recent period, only the cockpit had this equipment and not all aircrafts.
Eatlikebird's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Minimum time required for door opening after arrival at gate

My airline indicated that the door of the aircraft (B787) had been opened a little over 1 min after arrival at gate at a major airport. Is that possible? How long does it usually take from "on ...
airborne321's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Do you need a working VOR ground facility to fly a VOR approach if you have an FAA approved WAAS GPS? (e.g. G1000)

since TSO C145 and C146 are considered stand-alone units (you don't need an actual VOR receiver in a/c to fly the VOR approach or to fly on V airways), However, do the ground-based navaids (VOR) still ...
the Flying Duchess's user avatar
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Why aren't more flight schools covered by the Pell Grant and student loans?

I tried to find flight schools in Alabama that accept the Pell Grant. There are none. The are large collages that do take student loans and Pell but require you to live on campus. So, why are there ...
Justintimeforfun's user avatar
0 votes
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FAA to TC conversion

I am trying to convert my FAA ATPL to a Canadian ATPL. However I need to do an IPC and a Bi-annual flight review. Does anyone know of anywhere/anyone in Canada that can do this? I need to do it here ...
lystra simon's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What's the optimal taper ratio for a commerical short/medium haul aircraft?

I'm designing an R/C plane with interchangeable winglets and I've so far calculated the taper ratio to be .246 (aspect ratio 9.5 if that helps). I'm taking some design/geometry cues from the A320. How ...
ageek245's user avatar
3 votes
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What is the purpose of pipes that are sticking out of the Boeing 747 FWD Cargo door?

I went to visit an Aviation museum recently and noticed these pipes that are sticking out of a Boeing 747 in the FWD Cargo bay... What are these pipes called and what is the purpose of them?
Enzo C.'s user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Why would a plane be allowed to fly to LAX but not Maui?

While waiting for my plane in the Phoenix Airport, we get told that we're being swapped to a new plane because that plane was supposed to fly to Maui, but can't. When asked why it would be fine to fly ...
Arcanist Lupus's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Can commercial aircraft be equipped with ECM and ECCM equipment?

I've came across an article recently about a commercial aircraft that was traveling from Madrid to Toronto and could not ascend to a higher altitude due to GPS Jamming. With this apparent situation ...
Enzo C.'s user avatar
  • 363
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2 answers

Has any flight crew ever had to ask "Does anyone on board know how to fly a plane?"

Having just watched the classic movie 'Airplane' I'm curious if any crew of a large(ish) passenger aircraft has ever had to make a P.A. announcement asking for someone to fly a plane, and if so, what ...
ConanTheGerbil's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

ILS Designated Operational Coverage (DOC)

During a standard Instrument Landing System (ILS) approach, I typically arm the VOR/LOC (Boeing 737) to capture the localiser1 once on an intercept course. Upon clearance for the approach, I then arm ...
tedioustortoise's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Which underwater crash sites of medium to large aircraft have been captured in sonar imagery?

For which crash sites of medium to large aircraft are sonar images available ? Scope: The crash site should already be confirmed (not speculated). For the purpose of this question, let's define "...
summerrain's user avatar
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-3 votes
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What's gonna be the physics behind building 'futuristic' airplanes? Use physics formulas or even theories to answer this question [closed]

After thinking about these 'futuristic' airplanes, I wonder if there's any special physics theory or law behind them. I wonder how faster they can be, persevere more and fulfill the aviation's lover ...
Aviation Club Aviators's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Can we use leaf shutter mechanism as a drone dropping mechansim for payload weight of 3lbs?

I'm considering implementing a drone payload drop mechanism capable of handling payloads weighing up to 3lbs. I'm intrigued by the idea of using a leaf shutter mechanism for this purpose, but I haven'...
Ujjwal's user avatar
  • 7
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3 answers

By using the speed brake do we reduce the speed or do we increase the descent rate or does both happen simultaneously?

By using the speed brake do we reduce the speed or do we increase the descent rate or does both happen simultaneously? Could someone please explain the concept
Deepak's user avatar
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What happens if an airline reports a high number of involuntary denied boardings to the Department of Transportation?

I read (mirror): it’s in Delta’s interests to offer more in compensation for a voluntary bump rather than reporting higher involuntary denied boarding numbers to the Department of Transportation. ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
2 votes
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On the Boeing 737 ND display what does terrain value indicate?

On the Boeing 737 ND display what does terrain value indicate? (e.g. Terr 0016 0032)
Deepak's user avatar
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How do ferry flight operators like Nomadic Aviation maintain type rating for their pilots?

The recent VT-EVA ferry flight from BOM-Paine Field - US desert really piqued my interest about how the crew are arranged for such flights? B747-400 is a pretty rare aircraft now a days, and I don't ...
anshabhi's user avatar
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Is it legal to hold out if you DO NOT have operational control?

Let's say Bob just got his commercial certificate. He decides to have leaflets printed up advertising his willingness to fly other peoples' planes for hire. Bob then goes around to local airports ...
Terry's user avatar
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Which of the major airliners are bleedless?

Bleed air is compressed air taken from a jet engine, and is mainly used to provide pressure for the aircraft cabin. Fume and smoke events, due to contaminated bleed air, are regularly reported on ...
Dave Gremlin's user avatar
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What does the C* (Cstar) parameter demand ?(A320)

I have been reading a LOT of research papers and many articles, but none of them tell how the C* parameter in Airbus is used for the vertical augmentation of the aircraft. I am aware that with a ...
Shogunrv's user avatar
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2 answers

Aircraft continuously circling before landing (not holding)

On Flightradar24 I saw an Airbus 320 circling a lot before landing. My best guess is for some reason the aircraft had to stay in air for longer time due to unknown reasons. If this is the case, why ...
Dev's user avatar
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Can passenger airplanes change model?

Can an old airplane be upgraded, for instance changing from A320 to A320neo? Would this change its tail number? It doesn't seem common at all, but does it ever happen?
jole's user avatar
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Are cabin temperatures related to destination weather?

I've been in a long-distance flight between northern and southern hemisphere, with temperatures nearing 5°C on the origin, and 25°C on the destination. During the first flight, the cabin was ...
anol's user avatar
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Passenger GNSS lock during ascent and descent

When flying on commercial flights for the past several years I've used GNSS on my smartphone to track my location for fun. The signal strength in the cabin isn't ideal, but it's generally good enough ...
Altay_H's user avatar
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Is a flight for compensation legal for a Non-stop sightseeing trip?

I have been thinking about a scenario where I have a friend who has gotten sick and wants me to fly their aircraft with their family members for compensation since I am a commercial pilot. The flight ...
Krupszy's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

IAF is part of the hold at an uncontrolled aerodrome. Is the racetrack procedure necessary?

I am studying instrument approaches and I am not quite sure about this particular NDB-based approach procedure. Particularly, in regards to two things that, in my head, are conflicting: "Direct ...
GapeN's user avatar
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I currently have L2 visa , am I eligible to complete my CPL program in USA

I am from India, I currently hold dependent L2 visa , can I complete CPL program (commerical pilot licence) in USA
Akash AG's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Is 40+ too old to start a Commercial Pilot career?

I'm 44 and I just started my private pilot journey, however I would like to see if is worth it to get the commercial and maybe fly for profit, I wonder how is the market for commercial airlines or ...
alejjak's user avatar
  • 81
6 votes
2 answers

Radiotelephony Practices of American Pilots in Comparison to ICAO Standards

As a commercial pilot with experience in various airspaces, including frequent interactions with American pilots, I've noticed a distinct difference in their radiotelephony etiquette compared to the ...
tedioustortoise's user avatar
-5 votes
3 answers

Could a trained individual passenger escape a commercial plane crash by bringing the necessary equipment to parachute?

We've been through why airlines don't provide parachutes for the passengers. But who says they have to be provided? I want to take my fate into my own hands the next time I fly, by bringing my own ...
Purple P's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are there any commercial flights that require passengers to use supplemental oxygen?

In the United States, Part 121 operations can apparently can be conducted with cabin altitudes above 15,000 ft as long as all passengers are provided with supplemental oxygen when the cabin altitude ...
331821's user avatar
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I have a commercial rotorcraft student and he wants to get rated in an airplane

My new student has his commercial rotorcraft. He is working on his ASEL and he already has most of the experience requirements for PPL. Since he is already commercial rated wouldnt he be taking his ...
Miaflyer219's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

Why do newer engines have such wide fan blades?

Every treatise I read about propellers/fan blades/wings states that long, thin wings are more efficient than wide stubby ones. So why is it that the blades in high-bypass turbofan engines fitted to ...
Buk's user avatar
  • 93
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What are the key differentiating factors between the flight control systems employed in unmanned drones and those utilized in piloted aerial vehicles?

"I've come across open-source projects like ArduPilot that are commonly used with microcontrollers like Pixhawk for unmanned aircraft. However, I'm unsure whether these systems can be adapted for ...
Rohit Anand's user avatar
21 votes
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What plane was most likely used for this TWA transatlantic flight in 1954?

This is the manifest for my grandaunt (she is #9). She most likely took a train from Paris to Croatia to visit her mother. The family was not wealthy, so this was an extravagant expense for them. Can ...
Mattman944's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it feasible for an individual with limited current knowledge to undertake the development of an aircraft from scratch? [closed]

The world of aircraft engineering is truly remarkable, and even the smallest components involve a wealth of knowledge. I'm eager to explore this field and embark on the journey of building an aircraft....
Rohit Anand's user avatar
3 votes
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What sort of clearances would be required to land a sub-orbital glider at a major US airport

Now that the Virgin Galactic Space Ship 2 is finally flying, it seems possible to "take it on a tour" to promote the feasibility of point to point sub-orbital flight to large airports near ...
Robert DiGiovanni's user avatar
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2 answers

What are the restrictions on a private pilot who is not logging time?

A private pilot can avoid the "flight time is sometimes compensation" rule by not logging the flight time. If Bob, a private pilot, is not logging flight time, what are the limits on ...
Someone's user avatar
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Under EASA regulations can I log PIC hours on exercises for a rating already completed?

The scenario is this: a zero-to-hero modular CPL program is contracted at School A. Due to delays, the student decides to jump ship and complete the CPL exercises at School B in order to enable him to ...
Clayton Thomas's user avatar
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Why in aviaton they are using Electro Mechanical Actuators instead of Electric Linear Motors?

In my opinion they are much more compact, the design may be needed to change in order to still be a fail-safe component, also, may be need to account for jamming and load disconnection safety devices, ...
DaveTechICX44's user avatar
2 votes
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Can I use SkyDemon as a passenger on a commercial flight?

Could I use SkyDemon as a passenger on a commercial flight in an A320 or similar? Would doing so break any laws or safety regulations, assuming I set the callsign correctly?
Cloud's user avatar
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Could what happened to Yeti Airlines Flight 691 happen on an Airbus or Boeing?

The Yeti Airlines crash involved an ATR 72 and was likely due to pilot error - a stall resulting in an incipient spin. Would this accident be more avoidable on say a Boeing 737 or an Airbus A320?
Sam's user avatar
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How long does it take, in average, to train for a different plane?

During the Russia-Ukraine war, there are considerations about donating F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, but there would be problems with providing training for that specific plane. Training for another F-...
WoJ's user avatar
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Sources for Aircraft Glide Ratio

I would like to gather data on the best glide ratio of different commercial aircraft. Unfortunately, it has proven non-trivial to obtain data aside from a few lucky examples. Eurocontrol's BADA gives $...
Wasserwaage's user avatar
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How can I transfer my US License to the UK?

I'm thinking of moving over to the UK to fly for British Airways since they only ask for 500 hours Pilot-in-Command time to become a First Officer. I currently hold a CPL and am Instrument Rated. I ...
PuckBoltGoldie's user avatar
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What is the difference between CANPA and CDFA?

What is the difference between Constant Angle Non-Precision Approach (CANPA) and continuous descent final approach (CDFA)?
Deepak's user avatar
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Cruising at the speed of sound

Is it possible or feasible for an aircraft to continuously cruise at the speed of sound? Is the drag at this point higher or lower than in the high Mach 0.98 or Mach 1-1.2 region?
user67740's user avatar
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