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Questions tagged [frequency]

Questions about the different radio frequencies used for aircraft communications and navigation and the processes of selecting them.

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2 answers

How do you communicate with atc and how can they communicate with you when you change frequency?

How do you let atc know that you are going to a different frequency and how will you be able to talk to them if they need to talk to you will they go to that frequency that you went to?
User9993454's user avatar
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Multiple COMM types on the same frequency?

In the manual for the Garmin GNC 255 on page 13, it is stated that: When connected to a position source, the nearest station identifier will be shown for the selected frequency. Frequencies with ...
TheEagle's user avatar
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What protections does the designation for aeronautical spectrum provide?

Stated differently: As an aviator, what benefits do I receive from the radio frequencies used by my avionics and ATC being designated "aeronautical protected spectrum" as opposed to just ...
nodapic's user avatar
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Why and how can TCAS and SSR transponder work at the received frequency of each other?

The TCAS sends interrogation pulses at 1030 MHz and receives replies at 1090 MHz. And the transponder replies interrogations at 1030 MHz receiving at 1090 MHz. There could be interference between them,...
Galaxx's user avatar
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1 answer

What do the "GP 330.5" and "CH24X" I marked in the picture below mean?

What do the "GP 330.5" and "CH24X" I marked in the picture below mean? I think 330.5 is localizer independent glidepath frequency but I have no idea what CH24X means. Does anyone ...
pilot162's user avatar
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How can pilots get other pilots' attention without the use of radio

In this video, a pilot makes the embarrassing mistake of announcing the passengers on an active frequency. During the video, other pilots are apparently trying to get his attention by sending some ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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Unmanned aerial vehicles communication link: frequency/spectrum?

I am studying airborne platform: HAP - high altitude platform LAP- low altitude platform UAV - unmanned aerial vehicle ITU gives frequency allocation bands for link between ground and HAP/LAP/UAV, ...
Aid22's user avatar
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1 answer

What does "Except" mean in this ATC request?

I guess ATC wants the pilot to leave FL 280 for heavy traffic approaching from behind. But since I'm not sure, I wanted to ask. Also in the second quote from pilot, except should be expect, right?
pilot162's user avatar
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Is there a designated air-to-air HF frequency in the USA?

Suppose I'm flying somewhere over the middle of the United States, happily telling stories exchanging important flight-related information with another aircraft on 122.75, the designated VHF air-to-...
Steve V.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Published VHF frequency shown in parentheses on a Sectional Chart. What does this indicate?

Buffalo Niagara International Airport (KBUF) does not have an associated VOR or VORTAC, yet it has a published frequency box that lists a VHF frequency (116.4) in parentheses. Why is this frequency in ...
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1 answer

Magnetic or True heading to determine approach frequency?

Say you are approaching a class C airport where it says (0 - 180) uses frequency A, and 181-359 uses B. If your true heading is 175 but your magnetic heading is 185, which frequency would you use?
user1869879's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

Can the guard frequency be used by non-aircraft / general public?

I am part of an organisation which regularly flies high-powered rockets, and thus files a TFR when we do so prohibiting aircraft from the area where we launch these rockets up to 10,000 ft. This TFR ...
Goulash's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Why do so many airports have the same CTAF frequency?

In the United States, many non-towered airports have CTAF frequencies (often shared with UNICOM as well) that tend to overlap with various other airports within a 50-100 nm radius, at least in more ...
aviator's user avatar
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How do you figure out which frequency to contact approach on for a class bravo transition?

I'm about 20 hours into my PPL, so maybe I just haven't gotten to this part yet. Suppose I'm flying KFCM to KRNH and I want to request clearance across the bravo. How do I figure out which approach ...
Shuo's user avatar
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1 answer

Question about congestion of the 1090MHz frequency

I'm no expert so there's likely to be a lot of mistakes in this post. ADS-B - Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast, (out) transmits (in) receives position data from/to other aircraft and to ...
Rory McDonald's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Why is the VOR reference and variable signal modulated at 30 Hz?

VOR signals radiated from the ground beacon are modulated at 30 Hertz. What is the reason behind this?
Nish's user avatar
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5 answers

How do I know which airports have ILS and for which runways?

I have been into flying for years but something I can't figure out is how do I, as a pilot, know if an airport I am going to has ILS, which runways would have it and why do only some have it but the ...
Marty Waskowski's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Why are lower VHF frequencies used for towers?

So, why are usually lower VHF frequencies (around 118MHz to roughly 120MHz) used for towers and higher frequencies (around 130MHz to 136.975MHz) for ACC? What is the advantage of using lower ...
Darjan's user avatar
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What are the expected vibration frequencies in a co-axial rotor system with contra-rotating propellers?

I am trying to understand the frequency spectrum of a co-axial rotor system. Form now i have a RC helicopter with two sets of three gear systems arranged in parallel, The number of teeth are 7,23,27) ...
Nilesh Naik's user avatar
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2 answers

Why would different crossing runways at one airport be on different radio frequencies?

In this answer the following image was included which shows that control of two crossing runways are on different radio frequencies. Source: AIP Denmark EK AD 2 - EKCH - AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY It ...
FreeMan's user avatar
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3 answers

Where can I find current downloadable tower, ground and approach frequencies for USA airports?

I have searched the FAA site and cannot find a spreadsheet with current freqs for airports, only incomplete lists. Online flight planning tools must get query-able current freqs on a monthly basis, ...
OldNotBold's user avatar
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What is the working principle of VFG [duplicate]

How does the VFG make various frequencies? And while it makes the other value of frequency, how the generator apply consistent 400Hz to the other component?
Ethan's user avatar
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3 answers

What is a metering frequency and why would an airport have it?

I just read a post from a pilot complaining about how he thought a metering frequency was useless. It has something to do with being on the ground at an airport. What is it, what purpose does it ...
Ryan Mortensen's user avatar
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Why does airnav list frequencies for some STARs on the airport info page?

I was on and looked up the info for KIWA. Why does airnav list frequencies for the arrivals (STARs) that serve an airport? Does each frequency correspond to a certain TRACON sector?
slantalpha's user avatar
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4 answers

Why do localizer/glideslopes use 90/150Hz specifically?

Why is it that localizer and glideslope system are using 90 Hz and 150 Hz frequencies only, instead of some other LF such as 75 Hz? Part two of my question: How does the modulation depth differ for ...
Rumi's user avatar
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What is the tolerance of SSR against signal frequency shifts?

I know that the Secondary surveillance radar (SSR) interrogates at 1030MHz, and the reply is at 1090MHz. What happens if the radio signal sent to the plane is less than/more than 1030MHz? Also what ...
Johnson's user avatar
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How do I find all the frequencies for my local TRACON?

I'd like to program my hand held radio with all frequencies that I can expect to need around my area. Specifically, I'd like to find an official list of all the frequencies used by the local Tracon ...
2NinerRomeo's user avatar
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4 answers

Is there a radio frequency that is sure to be quiet?

When flying in beautiful VFR weather, I often search for a quiet frequency so I don't listen to a lot of chatter. Guard (121.5) sometimes works, but sometimes has "Guard"-ians on it. ("Yer on gaaard")...
abelenky's user avatar
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