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20 votes

Terminology: is the "normal acceleration" (nz) considered to be 1 G, or 0, when an aircraft is at rest on the ground with fuselage horizontal?

At zero G, you're floating (Vomit Comet ride). At 1 G, you have normal weight. At 2 G's, you seem to weigh twice as much as usual (60 degree banked turn). The normal aviation convention is that 1 G is ...
Ralph J's user avatar
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11 votes

Can we infer whether a given approach is visual only from the track data and the meteorological conditions?

According to faa-regulations,1 for an instrument approach there is the concept of an approach gate, an imaginary point in space which is along the final approach course and is the farther of: 1NM ...
randomhead's user avatar
10 votes

My N number showed up on another plane's flight on FlightRadar24. How does that happen?

FR24 may not actually receive any N-number from the aircraft. It's not unlikely that it only receives the Mode-S transponder code and cross-references that with a database to your N-number. So the ...
Sanchises's user avatar
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7 votes

My N number showed up on another plane's flight on FlightRadar24. How does that happen?

Flight tracking sites like FR24 use both ADSB data and official radar tracks. The first possibility is that someone misconfigured their ADSB to use your hex code/tail number. This seems unlikely since ...
StephenS's user avatar
  • 27.9k
7 votes

Is there a way to find out which runway is used by which flight on a particular day/date?

(Guessing the) Runway Selection For spotting airplanes, you want to know which are the current active runways. The runway history of planes or flights shouldn't matter much, unless your plane of ...
bogl's user avatar
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7 votes

Terminology: is the "normal acceleration" (nz) considered to be 1 G, or 0, when an aircraft is at rest on the ground with fuselage horizontal?

It really depends on the convention. I've seen both answers used before, but most Avionics software I've seen assumes the 0g convention so that normal acceleration is a rough approximation for the ...
RealAnswersNotAI's user avatar
6 votes

How impactful could an ATC-specific speech-to-text AI model be for the aviation industry?

The difference in impact between a really, really amazingly excellent model, and a fairly good model, is worlds apart. If I don't understand what was said on the radio, I can ask the sender to "...
Ralph J's user avatar
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5 votes

Arinc 429: how to detect the data frame start?

ARCINC 429 uses a tristate voltage level, high at 10 V, low at -10 V and a null at 0 volts. There will be 4 bit lengths of null voltage between 32 bit messages. in the message, a high will be 10 V ...
Jim's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the estimate for total number of flight hours in the world?

In 2018 there were about 37.8 million commercial flights. If we multiply this number with the overall average flight duration, we get the answer. Unfortunately I could not find a result for this ...
Bianfable's user avatar
  • 58.3k
4 votes

What device in western countries allows ATC to get clearances or search flight plans automatically?

The European equivalent would be the Flight Data Processing System (FDPS). The FDPS receives flight plans over the Online data interchange (OLDI) / ATS Message Handling System (AMHS) from the ...
DeltaLima's user avatar
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4 votes

My N number showed up on another plane's flight on FlightRadar24. How does that happen?

ADS-B codes in the US are calculated based on the N-number. If you ever get a Mode S transponder for your airplane, your ADS-B transponder code will be "AC534B". That same calculation can ...
Mark's user avatar
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4 votes

Inconsistent ARINC 717 Barker Codes

After consultation with a third part organisation, I've discovered that the issue here was that there was an additional layer of proprietary encoding above the Arinc 717 that rendered this approach ...
C.Marsden's user avatar
3 votes

What is, precisely, the function of far field monitor in ILS?

Per FAA Order 6750.16, the far field monitors are placed on the final approach course centerline, usually near the inner and/or middle marker beacons. Since this is on the centerline, the expected DDM ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 18.2k
3 votes

Is there an in-flight built-in-test in an airplane?

The thing that separates a BIT/BITE (E=Equipment) from continuous fault monitoring is that the continuous fault monitoring simply responds to exceedances of various paramters or values outside of ...
John K's user avatar
  • 136k
3 votes

Is this free flight data really correct?

The flight data provided by the various aggregators, including the OpenSky Network is gathered by volunteers operating ADS-B receivers at their own expense. OpenSky had about 1100 receivers on line ...
CatchAsCatchCan's user avatar
3 votes

Where can I find sample data required for Engine Condition Monitoring?

Your list of parameters is on the right track, and is the minimum set. If you can add a few more temperatures and pressures at other “stations” within the engine, the diagnostic accuracy improves. No ...
Penguin's user avatar
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2 votes

How is health monitoring of large aircraft engines and components done?

Methods of recording data and what's monitored differ between manufacturers but speaking as a Rolls Royce employee, the engine I'm responsible for, the AE2100D3 on the Hercules, is done via downloads. ...
Swampy's user avatar
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1 vote

How impactful could an ATC-specific speech-to-text AI model be for the aviation industry?

I don't think is going to have a good impact implementing something like that, at least with the current technology. As others have mentioned, the risks can outweigh the benefits. However, I do ...
Gabe's user avatar
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FAA FOQA Program

The data collected allows your company to analyze how the flight are going. It records numerous data points which allows the operator to analyze each phase of flight. How much runway was required ...
wbeard52's user avatar
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1 vote

My N number showed up on another plane's flight on FlightRadar24. How does that happen?

It seems many ADS-B transponders lets the pilot reconfigure their callsign in the unit: This is news to me. I ...
David Hempy's user avatar
1 vote

Where can fuel consumption data by aircraft type and route be found?

I am providing an answer to my own question. However, hopefully, someone will be able to expand further on this. For US Airlines, the bureau of transportation statistics is a reliable source. And the ...
BigONotation's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an in-flight built-in-test in an airplane?

On modern complex aircraft systems, each LRU (Line Replaceable Unit) will be conducting a number of built in tests on itself continuously as well as checks that only occur when the unit is powered on ...
scotty3785's user avatar
1 vote

Is there an in-flight built-in-test in an airplane?

Yes, in-operation BITs exist. For example some older analog fuel flow meters have two BITs, one for zero flow and one for nominal flow. The zero flow BIT will move the needle up to a non-zero flow ...
AEhere supports Monica's user avatar
1 vote

When does a passenger plane leave the cruising phase?

The distinction when you cross from one phase to another is somewhat arbitrary. However, you can slice this multiple ways depending on your goal: The approach phase could be considered to start at ...
Michael Hall's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I use an ADS-B receiver to make my aircraft visible in Flightradar24?

For FR24, FA and other flight tracking websites to "see" your aircraft, it will need to have a Mode S transponder (or UAT transmitter if in the US) with ADS-B "Out" installed. That is how they track ...
StephenS's user avatar
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1 vote

How can I use an ADS-B receiver to make my aircraft visible in Flightradar24?

The ADS-B Out market has quite a few options. Some, like the uAvionix, are small and can be installed in place of a winglight or a taillight and include the GPS receiver for position gathering. See ...
CrossRoads's user avatar
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How can I use an ADS-B receiver to make my aircraft visible in Flightradar24?

ADS-B is broadcasted by many aircraft and contains flight and aircraft information. This can easily be received and decoded, either by dedicated devices or a simple 20 bucks TV USB dongle. All ...
sweber's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to find out which runway is used by which flight on a particular day/date?

FlightAware now provides Active and Actual runway information on the flight page. Disclaimer: I work at FlightAware but was not involved in this feature, so can't provide any further details.
Resuna's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there a way to find out which runway is used by which flight on a particular day/date?

The choice of runway depends on wind and other factors and will change frequently. The dominant runway(s) can change several times a day if the wind is changing a lot. You could potentially detect ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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