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5 votes

Are pilots allowed to take laptops into the cockpit?

The laptop being in the cockpit is absolutely allowed. Having it turned on & in use during the flight for a purpose not related to the pilot's duties isn't. In many aircraft, a pilot's bags (...
Ralph J's user avatar
  • 52.6k
3 votes

Basic question about changing track at flight level

The ICAO rule for VFR cruising altitude is as follows: Except where otherwise indicated in air traffic control clearances or specified by the appropriate ATS authority, VFR flights in level cruising ...
Chris's user avatar
  • 17.4k
3 votes

Are pilots allowed to take laptops into the cockpit?

As of 14th April 2014 the FAA banned pilots operating under Part 121 from personal use of electronic devices and laptops while at a duty station. Reference: The Federal Register The rule also covers ...
CatchAsCatchCan's user avatar

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