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How many mid-ocean battery swaps are needed for an electric A380 to refly the first transatlantic flight?

Context To understand what the current level of electric airplane propulsion is with respect to large passenger airliners I developed the following question: Question How many battery swaps would be ...
a.t.'s user avatar
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-4 votes
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Would an extra fan make turbofans more efficient in cruise?

A turbo fan engine cannot use all of its available thrust in cruise any longer that it normally does at today's technologies, otherwise it would risk a meltdown of the internal hot engine parts and ...
securitydude5's user avatar
-5 votes
2 answers

What is missing from these diagrams of the forces in slips and skids?

See these images that are widely reproduced in many different on-line ground school materials. A) Is the magnitude of the wing's lift vector illustrated correctly in each of the three cases? Should ...
quiet flyer's user avatar

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