Linked Questions

15 votes
6 answers

Why aren't takeoff flaps used all the way up to cruise altitude?

In general aviation aircraft such as Diamond star DA-40, flaps to take-off are used until 500ft AGL and speed before retracting flaps is Vy (best ROC speed)-67kts and after retracting flaps is 80kts. ...
Krishna Kanth's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

Why is thrust inverse to speed in piston engines?

It is said that piston engines have constant power output, and thus their thrust is inverse to speed (e.g. here), while turbines have relatively constant thrust. I'm looking for an intuitive ...
ciamej's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

Can a convergent nozzle be used for a supersonic jet engine?

Can a supersonic fighter incorporate a convergent nozzle or does it always have to be a convergent-divergent nozzle?
abdulhaseeb's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

What is a ramjet?

What is a ramjet? Was it used on the SR-71 Blackbird?
Madhav Sudarshan's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Why is thrust available constant with speed for turbojet engines, when it varies with speed for turboprop engines?

Similarly, why is power available (nearly) constant with speed for a propeller engine, while it varies for a jet engine?
Nirmal's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How does a supersonic jet engine differ from a subsonic jet engine? [duplicate]

All jet engines have the same method of air flowing into the engine, which is compressed and ignited. What can engine designers do to make an engine design create more thrust? For example, what is ...
Ethan's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How much air, by mass, enters an average CFM56 turbofan engine cruising per minute?

How many kg of air enters an average CFM56 turbofan engine cruising per minute? I have looked everywhere and cannot find it or figure out how to find it, if you could either tell me or give advice on ...
SRawes's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why is thrust said to be constant over speed for a jet engine?

I'm just interested in some basic facts regarding flight. On reading the rather "low level" book "Understanding Flight, David F. Anderson, Scott Eberhardt), I recently came up to the ...
MichaelW's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How do power and thrust curves compare?

I would like to really understand why when talking about jets we care about thrust but when talking about propeller aircraft we care about power. (THRUST)="Just a force" (POWER)= work/time = ...
Cristóbal 's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

What is maximum acceleration that can be achieved by afterburner in level flight?

I am wondering how a fighter jet (let's take F-22 for example) would compare to other vehicles in terms of acceleration while in flight. For cars and motorcycles, achieving 0-100 KPH in 2 seconds is ...
Abanob Ebrahim's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why does power go up with the cube of the airspeed?

If i have an airplane with over 100 kN of thrust, and i want to accelerate from a velocity at which drag force is 25kN to a velocity twice higher, is it possible that i wont be able to do this because ...
Francis L.'s user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Does jet engine exhaust velocity relative to itself remain constant despite speed changes?

Maybe this is a stupid question. I seem to have been told, the velocity of the exhaust leaving an airbreathing jet engine relative to the engine, is constant despite changes in airspeed. However, to ...
Abdullah is not an Amalekite's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Why is the thrust-specific fuel consumption much worse for high bypass turbofans at cruise?

General Electric GE90 Takeoff: 0.278 lb/lbf/h (28.3 kg/kN/h) Cruise: 0.545 lb/lbf/h (55.6 kg/kN/h) Source: I assume this is typical ...
Abdullah is not an Amalekite's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a graph that shows the thrust required for a given airspeed? [duplicate]

I would like to see the graphical relationship between thrust required and airspeed for a typical general aviation aircraft, e.g. C-150 or C172 series.
Mark W's user avatar
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