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Questions tagged [cessna-172]

The Cessna 172 Skyhawk is a four-seat light aircraft, very commonly used in flight training

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Are the spring constant and damping coefficient of landing gear publicly available?

I'm trying to find the spring constant and damping coefficient for a Cessna 172. I looked through the POH, but couldn't find them anywhere. Are these values available publicly in some design document ...
cph2117's user avatar
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Cessna 172 Nose wheel steering

The POH states that ground steering is done by a spring loaded bungee system. How exactly does depressing the rudders apply pressure to the system to actually turn the wheel? Thanks
Mizz's user avatar
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4 votes
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What are the Cessna 172 carburetor icing chart data points?

I am looking for the polynomial equations (functions) for each of the curved lines. I have been looking online and I am unable to find the formulas and the data points for this chart (Cessna 172). I ...
Jean-Nicolas Boulay Desjardins's user avatar
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Main battery is discharging with alternator running [duplicate]

In my Cessna 172S, we had a problem about 'main battery discharge' after an hour of flight. We tried doing wiring test on the connection at the master switch which ran from the alternator and ...
박상원's user avatar
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What is that inertia that makes the nose rise in a spin?

The Flight Training manual mentions For Ex. 13- spin, that the nose drops due to the loss of lift, and rises due to inertia forces. Can someone explain to me that inertia force making the nose rise, ...
leha007's user avatar
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How many active registered Cessna 172s are there in each United States state

This is for a school project on different aircraft accidents. (My sources I have been given are the FAA and the NTSB.
Gavin Martin's user avatar
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Airspeed indication in a forward slip C172?

I have read several topics on the manner with two completely different answers, and just want to make sure I get it right. When slipping to the right in a C172 (right aileron, left rudder), the static ...
leha007's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why does the trailing edge have a more pronounced taper than the leading edge on the Cessna 172?

Why does the Cessna 172 have a more pronounced taper on the trailing edge as opposed to the leading edge?
Boeing787's user avatar
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Cessna 172S model starting procedure

I just recently started flying a fuel injected cessna after flying carb heated M and P models, and have a question about the starting procedure- particularly about the “warm start”. when we start the ...
leha007's user avatar
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How many master cylinders are there in a typical dual brakes Cessna 172?

After searching in the AFMs of the several C172 my flight school operates, all of them describe the system very basically with no diagrams, as exemplified in the following picture: Is there one ...
rosaqq's user avatar
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How is half of the wing strut (high wing) [or half the aileron (low wing)] a good reference to estimate gliding distance? [closed]

Through training and still to this day, I keep on using these reference points to judge if I am at the right distance from the runway or the field I aim to land at (forced landing).
Gappa1989's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the longest recorded nonstop flight made in a Cessna 172 without receiving external fuel?

What is the record for the longest flight (by either time or ground distance covered) made in a Cessna 172 without obtaining fuel from an external source after take-off? Extra fuel tanks are fine, as ...
Someone's user avatar
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Are there Cessna spare parts supplier in South East Asia? [closed]

I am living in South East Asia, and thinking of buying a reconditioned Cessna 172. Are there any spare parts supplier here that I could purchase , or do I need to order from US ?
Izzuddin Cheras's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

When should the throttle be closed on a C172 while landing?

during landing training in a cessna 172, would you rather cut the power to idle at beginning of runway threshold, or idle when you're close to ground? I keep having problems where I flare too high or ...
Izzuddin Cheras's user avatar
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How fast can a Cessna 172 taco?

What is the highest speed at which a Cessna 172 can taxi without lifting off the ground? If you removed the wings, how fast could it taxi? (Answers only answering the first part are fine; I doubt the ...
Someone's user avatar
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What happens if you put car gas in an airplane?

If I understand correctly, small planes like the Cessna 172 use 100 octane leaded gasoline with no ethanol. What would happen if you put regular unleaded car gas with ethanol in one?
Someone's user avatar
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Testing magnetos during engine failure

I'm a student pilot (PPL) and the C172 I fly has the following item in the emergency checklist for in-flight engine failures: MAGNETOS...............TEST My ...
Chris's user avatar
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Turbulence from hot weather?

My introduction flight was canceled because of "the turbulence due to heat". They called half an hour before the time of the flight (Cessna 172). I'm okay to reschedule it but I'm a bit ...
mimic's user avatar
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What type of ailerons does the C172P have?

Today during the mock ground session with my instructor he asked what type of ailerons does the C172P have. I looked in section 7 of the POH and all I was able to find was "Conventional hinged ...
Ying Taurus's user avatar
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Does the fuel selector switch of a Cessna 172 automatically turn 180° when pulling fuel shut off?

I noticed this behaviour in X-Plane 11 using the LR Cessna model and I'm wondering if this resembles the correct behaviour of a real aircraft. Also it seems that in X-Plane after pulling the fuel shut ...
AliceW's user avatar
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How do I appropriately choose the power settings on a C172 for cruise?

Today during the ground portion with my instructor he asked me "why did you choose to cruise at 2300 rpm flying at 1990 ft pressure altitude?" I didn't have an answer for him, and I couldn't ...
Ying Taurus's user avatar
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C172N Skyhawk II fuel drain handle operation for people < 180cm

I'm asking for a friend - literally. One of our club's planes is an old workhorse used a lot for training. She's got a fuel drain handle in the inspection hatch where one checks the oil. I've never ...
ExternalUse's user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Why does the Cessna 152/172 nose wheel turn only when the aircraft is moving?

According to the POH, ground control is achieved by a spring loaded steering bungee. But how does it work and why the nose wheel does not move when the aircraft is stationary?
Nish's user avatar
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What is the string antenna on the back of this Cessna 172 for? [duplicate]

Okay, so this question was asked before. But I didn't get the answer I wanted. I read that its some sort of antenna. what is it, what does it do, and how does it work? Also, is it in anyway related to ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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C172 alternator field circuit breaker(5a) vs alternator pull off circuit breaker(55a)

what’s the different with alt circuit breakers between 5a vs 55a?? If alt field circuit breaker pops out does that mean alternator is not producing electricity? And if al current circuit breaker(55a) ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Why does a fuel-injected engine have a mixture control?

For example, in a C172S fuel injected type, what does the mixture control lever control exactly in the fuel system? They have a fuel air control unit which regulates fuel flow based on air passing ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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Does this fuel leak from the carburetor of a Cessna 172E need immediate maintenance?

Consider: I'm concerned with a fuel leak I've developed on my Cessna 172E in the past three weeks and appears to be coming from the carburetor. There is even some fuel in the air breather near the ...
Ron Davis's user avatar
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What is the difference between a 1974 Cessna 172 and a Cessna 172M?

Are there any discernible exterior features that are different for a Cessna 172 vs 172M? If a Cessna 172 was made in 1974, is it an "M" series?
Bobby Eleazer's user avatar
4 votes
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On the G1000 lean assist page, what does a positive delta EGT mean?

When leaning the fuel mixture on a C172 using the lean assist feature on the G1000, the hottest cylinder's EGT will be displayed, along with a reading showing the difference between the current ...
Ethan B's user avatar
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4 answers

What causes a Cessna 172 and its gear to shake violently after landing and braking?

I am sure this was due to my own ignorance on proper technique, but immediately after landing in a Cessna 172, I applied brakes and some moderate aerodynamic braking and experienced an awful and ...
Ryan Griffith's user avatar
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Do I need a ferry permit for an alternator repair ferry flight within a mode C veil?

My Cessna 172 SP's alternator died while stationed at a class D airport, less than 10 miles from my home field (another class D). Both airports are within the mode C veil of a nearby B airport. ...
user4867444's user avatar
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Why does a Cessna 172 have dihedral wings if it has high wings?

"Dihedral goes hand in hand with low wing aircraft, and anhedral goes with high wing". This is what I assumed till now. But when I see a Cessna 172, the wings are a little dihedral. So why ...
Noorul Quamar's user avatar
24 votes
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What prevents a small plane like a Cessna or Piper from flying as high as a jet?

Obviously taking oxygen in consideration. What prevents a small plane from being able to fly at a much higher altitude? I know some business jets can fly up to 40,000 ft. Does it have to do with the ...
Boeing787's user avatar
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Why does the Information Manual say "C172S - Flaps 10 (Preferred) for Normal Takeoff", when the models before S-model do not have this note?

Do Flaps 10 really do anything performance-wise other than reducing ground roll and distance over a 50-foot obstacle? If not worried about clearing an obstacle, does a Flaps UP-normal takeoff make ...
Jacob Doore's user avatar
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Steep turn: do we need rudder once we rolled into a bank angle?

Say a Cessna 172 is in a cruise level flight and clearing turn is just finished. I barely feel a left-turning tendency during the level flight (Maybe torque and slipstream are less significant). I ...
noobie2023's user avatar
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Why does power help us maintain altitude in slow flight?

I was asked this question and didn’t know how to phrase a nice and easy explanation. What I said is- well because drag is now increasing Un- proportionally to lift, we need something to generate more ...
leha007's user avatar
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Why do electronics have to be off before engine startup/shut down on a Cessna 172?

Can someone explain in simple words why we make sure electronics are off before we start up/ shut down our Cessna172 engine?
leha007's user avatar
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Why do we check Idle operation with carb heat on during a Cessna 172 run-up?

I understand this is to “check our engine is still operating at idle”, but can someone explain this more in depth? Like why wouldn’t it?
leha007's user avatar
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Why is “L Fuel Low” illuminating on my Cessna that is full of gas?

I fly a fuel injected Cessna 172SP 200 hp. Tanks were just about full today and every 5 seconds or so in flight, I would get “L fuel low” and the left fuel indicator would drop to 0. I’ve consulted ...
Josh's user avatar
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Why are the best glide and best range airspeeds different for a C172?

According to Cessna 172 POH the speed for max range with power off, or glide speed, is 65, and achieved at the best L/D ratio. However with power on the speed for max range will be around 75. Why is ...
leha007's user avatar
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Why is there a a nose-up pitching tendency during a forward slip in a Cessna 172?

Why is there a tendency for the nose to pitch-up during a forward slip in a Cessna 172 (According to the TC Flight training manual)? Quote: "If full rudder is used, considerable aileron pressure ...
leha007's user avatar
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7 answers

Why does aileron response diminish as speed becomes slower, from slow-flight up to the stall? (In a light trainer)

Can someone phrase the explanation to this in simple words as you would explain to a student?
leha007's user avatar
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18 votes
4 answers

Why not always take off with 10 degree flaps in a Cessna 172?

10 degree flaps increase our lift, reduce stall speed, reduce ground roll. Seems like all advantages with no disadvantages. So why does the Cessna 172 POH say normal take off is 0-10 degree flaps? Why ...
leha007's user avatar
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Why can we not use full throttle in a C172 when cruising at lower altitudes?

My flight training manual (FTM) says that at low altitudes we throttle back our trainers in order to not exceed recommended power settings. We use the Lycoming O-320 engine. But why is that? Is the ...
leha007's user avatar
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Is there a common route that Seattle GA pilots use to circle Mt Rainier while avoiding class B airspace?

I'd like to fly around Mount Rainier in a C172 out of Renton (KRNT). What route do people usually take? I wonder if I can climb quickly enough once out of Seattle class B airspace for terrain around ...
Shaun's user avatar
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What is this part on a Cessna 172 engine?

Can any one tell me what this tube with the red is? This is a photo of a 1977 Cessna 172 engine. Looks like the tube is directly connected to the top of the crankshaft.
Charlie Echo's user avatar
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How to compute thrust to weight ratio of a Cessna 172?

Cessna 172 has weight about 1 ton and it's engine produces about 213 Kg of thrust, and it flies great. So if I make a plane with a weight of 100kg including pilot and fuel so will 15 kg thrust good ...
Salman Sukhera's user avatar
11 votes
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Why should one not slip a Cessna 172 with flaps extended?

The POH strongly recommends not slipping the AC with full flaps...why? It seems natural in a crosswind approach to allow the horizontal lift component to cancel the airmass movement across the ...
Mark Anderson's user avatar
7 votes
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How can I calculate the C.G height for an Aircraft?

before I continue I would like to thank you guys beforehand for the help. I am new to this forum and in aviation in general. I am helping my professor to obtain the C.G coordinates in x, y , z for a ...
Kaelan's user avatar
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How do I use the takeoff and landing distance charts in the C172 POH?

Can anyone explain how to calculate takeoff and landing distances using the chart for C172s, and please give me an example?
acacia's user avatar
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