Linked Questions

0 votes
3 answers

How close are we to replacing pilots with computers? [duplicate]

Recently someone on another thread recommended the following video: Andrew Godwin - What can programmers learn from pilots? - PyCon 2015 where the speaker, at about ~3:14, talking about pilots ...
Mou某's user avatar
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What's are the advantages of having the pilot in the cockpit? [duplicate]

Instead of a pilot in the cockpit, how far are we from having commercial airplanes with remote pilots (like drones)? The remote pilot won't have any kind of space disorientation Each of its actions ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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2 answers

Are any software or aeronautical engineers yet attempting to design pilotless passenger planes (PPP'S)? [duplicate]

With all of the effort currently under way to attempt to create driverless land vehicles (which I believe may be a rather misplaced effort) has anyone yet heard of any serious efforts also being made ...
Scott Francis Perry's user avatar
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Could robots take over pilots' jobs and fly planes - if they can, then how? [duplicate]

As technology is advancing, could robots take over pilots' jobs? If so, how might they accomplish this?
Daniel Chung's user avatar
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Self-flying commercial aircraft! [duplicate]

I'm sure that all the technological advancements in various field are enabling us to create or develop stuffs which were unthinkable even few decade ago. My question is what is the current R&D ...
jkafle's user avatar
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26 votes
8 answers

Why is landing on a carrier not handled by a computer?

Landing on a carrier seems like a difficult and risky task for military pilots, especially at night when the carrier should keep low profile and is practically unlit. It seems exactly like a problem ...
Arseni Mourzenko's user avatar
34 votes
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Has there ever been a fully automated takeoff, cruise, and landing of a large aircraft similar to commercial airliners?

Has there ever been a fully automated takeoff, cruise, and landing of a large aircraft similar to commercial airliners? In fact, has there ever been a fully automatic flight of any pure aircraft ...
DrZ214's user avatar
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8 answers

Is there a deterministic guide to landing?

Much of the aviation related instructions seem clear-cut and science-based. For some reason landing seems heavy on art and light on science. To explain, I’m told to round out at about “yea” height, ...
MandoMando's user avatar
33 votes
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Could the CVR and FDR record to the cloud?

Another enthusiast question. I watch a lot of the National Geographic Channel's "Air Crash Investigation", for better or worse, and it seems accident investigators make tremendous use of the Cockpit ...
cfx's user avatar
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4 answers

Do small civilian aircraft have autopilots?

If not, why? Doesn't it make flying safer? It seems to me that automating a small plane should be easier than automating a car (excluding dealing with Air Traffic Control). Is it too expensive?
Retired account's user avatar
36 votes
1 answer

On modern commercial airliners, how much of the flight could be fully taken care of by the auto pilot?

If one wanted to, how large part of the flight could a modern commercial airliner do completely on its own? That is, if the pilot only was allowed to set things up and then leave the cockpit, from ...
Speldosa's user avatar
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6 answers

Can commercial airplanes be converted to drones?

Is it possible to convert a commercial airplane into a drone, such that if a pilot fails to respond to ATC it can be remotely piloted?
polyglot's user avatar
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11 votes
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Why do the engineers need to be on board during testing?

I just finished watching National Geographic's Megafactories: Boeing 747-8. During the test flights, a bunch of engineers are on board the plane, presumably controlling the water tanks that ...
Anthony's user avatar
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3 answers

Is it possible to integrate an AI CoPilot on existing planes?

Or a new aircraft would have to be designed for such a thing? I have little knowledge of aviation, so please feel free to fill me in the required bits.
Shashank's user avatar
7 votes
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Why does the cabin pressurisation switch have a manual mode?

Reading about Helios Flight 552 it is clear that the pressurization switch on a B737 has two modes: AUTOMATIC and MANUAL Since it appears that one of the causes of the accident was an incorrect ...
Fabrizio Mazzoni's user avatar

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