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Questions tagged [harrier]

The Harrier is a family of jet-powered attack subsonic aircraft capable of V/STOL operations. It was conceived to operate from improvised bases, such as car parks or forest clearings, without requiring large and vulnerable air bases. Later, the design was adapted for use from aircraft carriers.

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1 answer

How does a VTOL mode work on a Harrier Jet?

I have heard that Harriers use downward jet exhaust to do VTOL Maneuvers and I was wondering if someone could explain how that works?
Jordan Stephan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How free are VTOL pilots to hover?

When piloting a Harrier or F35 can the pilot just hover at will? Or is this possibly something that will eat up lots of fuel, and should only be done when planned? (like for landing) Is spontaneously ...
matthias_code's user avatar
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Can the Harrier jet really take off both conventionally and vertically?

What I am able to understand from the above video, harrier jets have both capabilities: 1)To take off horizontally like other conventional aircraft like the F16 (because it has also tires) 2)To take ...
DSP_CS's user avatar
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2 answers

Why does Harrier have split hot exhaust nozzles?

This is a repost after the original questions were deemed too complicated. Hawker Sea Hawk shot by Smudge 9000 under CC-SA 2.0 licence. Harriers seem to inherit elements from Sea Hawk, that the ...
CrystallizedRefresher's user avatar
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I need some help to understand the rationales behind some STOVL jet designs, especially the Pegasus-Harrier configuration [closed]

In the question:Why do VTOL aircraft (F-35 or Harrier) have only one engine? Aeroailas answered why mature STOVL fighter designs only use one main engine, but did not answer why there are no mature ...
CrystallizedRefresher's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

How does the Harrier avoid engine damage when operating from dirt fields?

The Harrier V/STOVL jet was designed in order for its users to be able to retain a functional air force even with all conventional airports destroyed; to this end, it can take off from, and land in, ...
Vikki's user avatar
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Why does the US Marine Corps fly the Harrier, a VTOL or operationally STOVL aircraft?

The UK flies the Harrier because they have STOBAR carriers, but why does the United States Marine Corps fly the Harrier?
baba yaga's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How many Harriers crashed at or near MCAS Cherry Point?

When I was stationed at MCAS Cherry Point in the late 1970's, we had a Harrier flip over and crash while practicing at the hover pad. It took off in the direction of our large hangar and thankfully ...
Juan Jimenez's user avatar
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3 answers

What is the difference in VTOL technology between British Aerospace Harrier II and F-35B?

F-35B safer and looks more stable in terms of VTOL capability. What is the basic difference between Harrier II and F-35B's VTOL technology?
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1 vote
0 answers

What are the extra wheels for on the Harrier series? [duplicate]

On the Harrier series, what are the landing gears on the end of its wings for?
anonymous's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to modify an AV-8B Harrier II to make it supersonic?

Is it possible to convert a McDonnell Douglas/BAE Systems AV-8B Harrier II Plus into an effective and usable supersonic aircraft, perhaps by changing the engine or applying some modifications on the ...
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16 votes
3 answers

Why do VTOL aircraft (F-35 or Harrier) have only one engine?

Why do VTOL aircraft (F-35 or Harrier) have only one engine? Is it because it is simpler and less expensive? Or what are the reasons?
R S's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

Why does the Harrier jet have four landing gears?

I was looking at pictures of Harrier jets and I noticed something — they have four landing gears. That seems pretty unusual for a fighter jet, as most have only 3 landing gears in a triangle ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar