I was doing a simulated tour of local untowered airfields the other day, operating VFR on VATSIM in Class B airspace (Logan).
Whenever I'm in Class B as a VFR flight I like to give ATC as boring a radar target as I possibly can. Obviously, as a VFR flight, I'm instructed to maintain "clear of clouds."
It was scattered clouds just above me at the altitude ATC put me at, but as I was getting near the coast they were getting lower - but nothing near me...until suddenly there was.
The cloud I encountered was about eight times the size of the Cessna 152 I was flying. I elected to plow through it, justifying the choice by the fact that I could easily see the terrain and other clouds on the far side of it - I could see right through it (it was more of a mist, really). But even at the time I recognized that it was entirely possible for me to miss a steel-grey-against-grey-clouds aircraft because of the visual noise. I wound up clipping through the top quarter of it; the transit lasted about three seconds. I never lost visual reference to the ground.
Is that legally VFR? Should I have diverted around it to maintain fully clear of anything that might possibly be construed as a cloud?
And relatedly, if I do have to divert... do I need to inform a busy Class B approach controller that I'm about to depart from the altitude he put me at in order to maintain clear of clouds?