What are some of the best ways to retrieve and transmit the location of a plane I am in, real time.
To speak in realistic terms, I'm currently training for my private pilot's license and as such am spending a lot of time in various planes I do not own / have decision powers over. How could I share my current location with someone in a remote location while in the air without physically modifying the aircraft.
There are a couple of ideas that have come to mind, but my understand of the solutions or challenges are not complete:
- There are websites like flightradar24.com, but the aircraft I'm in often don't show up. That being said, a flight I took yesterday DID show up, but was not terribly accurate. Perhaps that is because I filed a flight plan and / or used flight following (which would put me on the radar tied to my tail number).
- I could use a simple app like "Find my Friends" on the iPhone. I realize this is crude, but it could work. That being said, I don't know how well cell phones transmit above the ground.
- Some other portable device. That device would need to transmit real time in some way and there would need to be some way to look up that transmission.
Any information on this would be appreciated!
UPDATE: I'm talking about general aviation here. Speeds <= 120 kts altitude typically <= 5,500