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Questions tagged [navaids]

Equipment which assists pilots in navigation, such as a VOR.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What's the busiest airport that's not WGS-84 compliant?

Most latitude and longitude coordinates are defined relative to the WGS-84 standard, including GPS coordinates from your receiver. However, some coordinates are specified using local datums, and ...
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Ambiguous mention of NAVAIDs with duplicate names in FAA's CIFP file (ARINC-424 18 format)

I am studying FAA's Coded Instrument Flight Procedures (CIFP) dataset (link), coded in ARINC-424 18 format, and I noticed that navaids are coded for the purposes of an IFP simulation only by their ...
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FAA and Eurocontrol waypoints with same ID

It seems that the FAA and Eurocontrol have waypoints with the same ID. For example, the route between KJFK and LFPG for a recent ...
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