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Questions tagged [fairchild-a-10]

A dedicated ground-attack twinjet produced by Fairchild Republic from 1972 through 1984 and still in service today; famous for its near-indestructibility.

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249 votes
4 answers

What is the dark spot visible below the cockpit on A-10s?

On most A-10s I have seen, the area under the cockpit is darker than the rest of the plane. Is there a reason for this?
flyingfisch's user avatar
  • 14.7k
28 votes
3 answers

Does the cannon of the A-10 deliver more thrust than the engines do?

The A-10 Warthog is built around a 30 mm cannon that fires depleted uranium rounds, 65 of them per second. I heard from someone who worked on the flight controls a long time ago, that when the cannon ...
Koyovis's user avatar
  • 63k
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3 answers

How much is airspeed reduced on an A10-Warthog when firing its cannon?

I just read on reddit that you could use the recoil of the gun as the propelling force for the A-10 if pointed backwards. There is also a question here on Aviation.SE, saying that the gun has the same ...
Noah Krasser's user avatar
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31 votes
2 answers

What are these 4 red spots on the A-10?

What are these 4 spots on the wings and fuselage of the A-10? I can't seem to find a closer shot of their wings but each spot looks like a small target with a dot and an outer circle, mostly in red, ...
Nguyễn Tuấn Danh's user avatar