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Questions tagged [douglas-a-4-skyhawk]

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Why doesn't the A-4 Skyhawk require rudder in coordinated turns like on other Century Series aircraft?

The Douglas A-4 Skyhawk is a subsonic jet aircraft design from the early fifties. Usually, in order to make a coordinate turn without skidding or slipping , the pilots of the other types of aircrafts ...
George Geo's user avatar
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13 votes
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Why does the A-4 Skyhawk sit nose-up when on ground?

The rear of the plane is nearer to the ground, while the front part of the plane is away from the ground (see image below). Other planes are more flat. I think it was for high AoA but these planes ...
Delta Oscar Uniform's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Can you help me identifying an A-4 Skyhawk-like jet?

I'm having trouble identifying a jet and am hoping someone can provide some help. Here is the best picture I've been able to capture. The closest similar jet I've been able to find is the A-4 ...
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