Linked Questions

6 votes
7 answers

Why do most commercial aircraft have the Center of Gravity before the Aerodynamic Center?

I've looked at the other questions concerning this topic, such as: How does an aircraft tailplane work? Does static longitudinal stability require download on the tail? But I'm still confused about ...
ROIMaison's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is induced drag less on a high span wing?

I have a basic question and sorry if it is a well known fact. I understand that the induced drag is due to the tip vortices changing the effective angle of attack (downwash). I searched some ...
Selva's user avatar
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Why is the aerodynamic center for most airfoils located at the quarter chord location?

I've been reading several sources on the location of the aerodynamic center John ...
ROIMaison's user avatar
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Wing pitching moment decomposition into two terms

Summary: Assuming constant angle of attack $\alpha$, speed $V$, and lift $L$ applied at the center of pressure CP (whose position is $x_{CP}$), the distance $(x_{CP} - x_O)$ between the moment ...
Brett Cooper's user avatar
-6 votes
3 answers

Why does the argument for Newton's 3rd law for lift of wings still exist?

I had recently seen a video which explained the various explanations for lift and one of them mentioned about the newtons 3rd law. It stated that the airfoil shape causes the airflow to go down ...
Sambhav Khandelwal's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Are the pitching moment and pitching moment coefficient of an airfoil given w.r.t. the aerodynamic center?

When the magnitude and sign of the pitching moment and the value of the pitching moment coefficient are communicated, are these values given with respect to the aerodynamic center of the airfoil since ...
Brett Cooper's user avatar
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3 answers

Wing moment - providing stability or not [closed]

It is said that wing alone is unstable, because it provides a nose up moment, so tailplane is needed to damp it. But normally wing provides a pitch down moment (as far as I know, apart from very high ...
Konrad's user avatar
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Does the pressure recovery become not as extreme as you speed up?

Does the pressure recovery area on a wing become not as intense as you speed up? If so, why? The pressure recovery is the effect that decelerates the air after it has been accelerated by the airfoil. ...
Wyatt's user avatar
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The relation between aerodynamic center and lift

On the internet, I found two separate definitions for the aerodynamic center. One was "the point where pitching moment is constant regardless of angle of attack" and the other was "the ...
DM3 TV's user avatar
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3 answers

Moment Created by an Airfoil and Stability

I am working on designing a remote-controlled flying-wing aircraft and am learning about important configurations and factors in the design. I have been going through this page because it seems like a ...
Toogoodoo's user avatar