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Questions tagged [pitch]

Pitch is rotation about the lateral axis, which makes the nose point up or down.

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4 votes
1 answer

The relation between aerodynamic center and lift

On the internet, I found two separate definitions for the aerodynamic center. One was "the point where pitching moment is constant regardless of angle of attack" and the other was "the ...
DM3 TV's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does oscillation occur in the pitch axis of a plane?

If you a small GA plane, and apply full rudder to one side and then let go, there will be some oscillation from the momentum of the rotation about the yaw axis. Does this same effect happen with the ...
Wyatt's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Pitch of a glider with altitude

I'm designing a high-altitude glider. Just to clarify a few points before my question: The glider will weigh close to 200 grams. It will be using the A18 airfoil. The glider is dropped from 80,000 ...
Charles Nicholson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

A220 Direct Law Mode trim control

When A220's PFCCs are all failed, the airplane enters direct law mode. In this mode, from description, pilots should manually control stabilizer trim. When this situation occurs, does pilot need to ...
moon's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

A transfer function relating jet engine thrust to pitch angle during a phugoid motion

Crossposted on Mathematics SE I am doing a school project that requires me to find a transfer function that relates the thrust of a jet engine (which could change with time in one way or another) and ...
Faito Dayo's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What is the maximum pitch achievable in a medium-powered airplane?

One of the answers to this question proposes a maneuver in which the plane is pointed almost vertically. Obviously, an aircraft with a high thrust-to-weight ratio can achieve this simply by climbing, ...
Lawnmower Man's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Pitch control in PX4 autopilot

I am trying to translate controller diagram of fixed wing px4 attitude control into mathematical form. While going through the controller diagram Fixed-Wing Attitude Controller looking into PX4 github ...
Shivam Goswami's user avatar
0 votes
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How does the US space shuttle control pitch when landing without a canard? [duplicate]

Looking at the design of the US space shuttle, I'm curious to understand how it's able to control pitch during landing? By just looking at the design, it appears that it would need some kind of canard ...
Travis's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

If the pitch of a bypass fan blade in a turbofan is fixed how does it manage to provide thrust over such a large speed range?

A fixed pitch propeller is only good for aircraft that do around 100kts because the angle of attack on the propeller decreases as the forward airspeed of the aircraft increases, limiting the thrust ...
Ian's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Sudden "nose-down" event during a normal flight in normal weather conditions

I had a flight scheduled from WAW to KIV on LOT airlines. The boarding pass told they changed the aircraft to a 737 MAX. When I saw that I've immediately remembered that whole MCAS story from 2018. ...
Denis Rimskii's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where can a digital reading of the pitch/attitude of a plane be found?

Where can a digital reading of the pitch of plane be found? E.g on Microsoft flight simulator, on the attitude dial, the pitch of the plane (e.g 10 degrees up above horizon) has to be manually read ...
TastyB's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

How pitch is changed in harrier jet(vertical landing and take off aircraft)

How pitch is changed in harrier jet and lift is achieved?Is it same principle like conventional fighter jets like f16 etc? What about drones quadcopter etc do they also follow same principle?
DSP_CS's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Do aircraft pitch down even at very low angles of attack (below 0°) in a strong sideslip?

I was doing an analysis of an aircraft (specifically the PZL Koliber 160 with the NACA 63A416) strong sideslip conditions (beta=30° for example) in OpenVSP at various angles of attack, and observed ...
TheEagle's user avatar
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1 answer

Adverse pitch on unstable aircraft's roll

In airplanes like the F-22, both the main wings and the tailerons provide (at least at subsonic speed) positive lift. My question is this: when performing a roll using all control surfaces ...
Gabriel's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What's the optimal zoom climb angle for a fighter jet to reach its highest possible altitude in a parabola?

If a supersonic fighter jet wanted to reach the highest possible apogee it could in a parabola, what's the optimal pitch angle to do so? A too high pitch may result in insufficient thrust and a sooner ...
Giovanni's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

What do you call a fall that is due to too little engine power, not due to cessation of aerodynamic lift?

If you raise your plane's pitch but the engines can no longer counter the gravity and you begin to fall (because the engines are too weak, not because of too little lift), what do you call that? This ...
Giovanni's user avatar
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0 votes
0 answers

What is propeller pitch speed?

I was using Ecalc to calculate some flight parameters and then I came across this term called "propeller pitch speed". Can anyone explain me what this means?
Deepu Johnson's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

When pitching, how do planes establish a pitch rate which corresponds to the centripetal acceleration?

Coordinated flight requires that the yaw rate and the centripetal acceleration correspond. In other words, for a given $a_{centripetal} = v^2/r = \omega ^2 r$ this means that the yaw rate must equal $\...
Kenn Sebesta's user avatar
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17 votes
2 answers

Why did Concorde have a max pitch down attitude in supersonic flight?

In ITVV Concorde (documentary) as the flight's captain introduced the ADI (attitude director indicator) he explained the dotted line (circled above) as follows: [...] and the little orange dotted ...
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0 answers

How much could you increase lift using ailerons alone?

If a plane had ailerons that could be moved in the same direction, could the lift be increased by a non-negligible amount?
Ryan's user avatar
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Is pitch-flap coupling an aerodynamic effect or an intrinsic property of a delta 3 offset?

I am modelling a propeller, in particularly the equations of motion of the various pitch/lag/flap angles as the propeller is turning around. The blade includes a $\delta_3$ angle, which provides pitch-...
Thomas Wagenaar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Steady-state simulation of pitching motion

Is it possible to perform a simulation of 'steady-state' pitching motion of an aircraft/wing? Is there any method where we can analyse the effects through a steady-state simulation of a pitching ...
angryam's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How does pitch relate to glide angle?

When flying a glider, you have a polar curve. As your speed increases beyond best glide, your glide angle gets steeper. Say you are flying at best glide, you are looking through a specific point in ...
Oliver P's user avatar
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2 answers

Calculate pitch balance of RC glider?

Today, I played with styrofoam gliders with my kids; I made an asymmetric wing, asymmetric horizontal tail, symmetric vertical tail, and attached these to one stick for the fuselage. I've had big ...
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1 answer

Is it possible to define a "good landing" in terms of pitch angle and vertical speed?

Is there a specific combination of pitch angle and vertical speed at touchdown that would be usually be considered a "good landing" in a B737NG?
Stamatis Vellis's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How do fighter jets stop pitching motion after a elevator deflection?

I'm working on a flight simulator , In which the jet has only ailerons , rudder , and two elvators at the back . When I nose up my aircraft via elevator deflection , it just keeps pitching up ( even ...
GopalSir's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How is the B737NG Autopilot controlling pitch?

In particular, does the Autopilot in a B737NG control the pitch only via trim adjustment, or first via the elevators and then trim?
Stamatis Vellis's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Power changes and trim forces. related to position of Center of Mass (CoG), or Center of Pressure?

Theoretically (and Actually) do power increases cause a pitching tendency (and a need to adjust pitch trim), because the thrust line is not aligned with the Center of pressure, or, as I understand it, ...
Charles Bretana's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What pitch attitudes are common during an emergency descent for an airliner?

What pitch attitudes are common during an emergency descent? I assume it would be a fairly nose-down attitude, but I can't imagine how steep would feel to the passengers. Suppose a gradual ...
orique's user avatar
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1 answer

Comparison of pitching moment at different locations

I've conducted some numerical simulations of a pitching airfoil at three different locations of the pitching axis along the airfoil. The locations (from the leading edge of the airfoil) are: $0.25c$, $...
izri_zimba's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How attitude, speed, and altitude vary when increasing pitch?

I have been struggling with the following question for a while, would greatly appreciate some help and explanation why. Scenario: I'm cruising in my Cessna- cruise attitude 2300 RPM trimmed for 95. ...
leha007's user avatar
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1 answer

Why does pitching moment coefficient decrease with an increase in the angle of attack?

Slope of Cm vs alpha graph is negative, why it is so? The attached graph is from , this graph is for cambered airfoil, as pitching moment is zero for ...
Rajakr's user avatar
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1 answer

What exactly is "plunge?"

I'm doing a project in which i'm attempting to model the motion of a wing using a system of second order differential equations. This is a 2-degree-of-freedom model based on the quantities pitch, a(t),...
Mason's user avatar
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2 answers

Helicopter Flight: What is the reason for decrease in Induced drag with increase in speed?

As per the figure the induced drag will decrease only if the AoA of the blade is decreased — But in the forward flight, cyclic input increases and decreases the AoA throughout the blade rotation cycle....
Raj Arjit's user avatar
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4 answers

In helicopter's forward motion, how is the forward pitching moment taken care off?

When the rotor disk is in the position shown by the dashed lines, the net Lift is at an angle. It should produce a forward pitching moment about CG (Center of gravity). That can cause the helicopter ...
Raj Arjit's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I calculate the relationship between propeller pitch and thrust?

I am trying to design a WWI propeller so I started calculating. The propeller comes with a specified pitch of 1.75m. The engine is supposed to run at around 1900 rpm and 147kW. These are most likely ...
Veltro's user avatar
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4 answers

How much torque can a Boeing 747 apply when pitching?

I know this is a weird way of thinking about / quantifying this, but I'm trying to figure out how much torque a 747 can apply to itself when it pitches upwards (turning about an axis from wing to wing,...
Jake Kurlander's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is the average pitch of a plane?

I'm looking for the average pitch of big planes like an Airbus A300. For horizontal travel, is the plane horizontal or does it have a pitch like 1 or 2° (or more)? If the plane does not accelerate ...
Mailou75's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

What is the relation between velocity and rate of pitch?

I saw the answer to airspeed and rate of turn but this I think isn't what I want. I've seen it many times that aircraft will pitch up much slower when at higher speeds particularly fighter aircraft. ...
Kiyo's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How does a delta wing deal with supersonic boundary separation?

The question Why most of the supersonic or fighter aircraft use all-moving control surfaces? emphasis the importance of all moving stabilator for supersonic aircraft. Many supersonic aircrafts ...
Manu H's user avatar
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2 answers

What 's the difference between Angle of Attack and Pitch? [duplicate]

I am interested in knowing the theoretical and practical differences between the Angle of Attack (AoA) and Pitch: Graphical definitions How are they related? In what circumstances these angles are ...
ppinto's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Why does the use of reverse thrust on the DC-8 generate a pitch-up moment rather than a pitch-down moment?

Unlike most aircraft, the DC-8 is certified to use reverse thrust in flight (albeit only on its inboard engines). This serves as a very effective airbrake, although it also produces considerable ...
Vikki's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Why does the Eurofighter Typhoon pitch up on brake release?

In the video here of an airshow take-off, it's noticeable that when the brakes are released there's a brief but pronounced fluctuation in pitch as the aircraft accelerates. This is something you see ...
Party Ark's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How does the load factor vary when the aircraft pitches up/down?

I know that when an aircraft starts rolling, it's load factor increases. But can anybody explain how does load factor vary when the aircraft pitches up/down? Does it increase/decrease?
Johnson's user avatar
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-7 votes
1 answer

What is difference between pitch & lift? [closed]

What is the difference between pitch and lift of an aircraft?Please kindly try to include graphics with your answers
DSP_CS's user avatar
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1 answer

Partial panel power on stall under the hood

What do you use for control and performance instruments while demonstrating power on stall under the hood with attitude and heading indicator covered (No vacuum instruments in 6 packs ) ?
user3699005's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Why does spoiler extension cause straight-wing Learjets to pitch down, rather than up, and why did it take so long to discover this?

Straight-wing Learjets (the 23, 24, 25, 35, and 36), the first generation of the popular business-jet series, are (especially when not equipped with any of the many first- and third-party wing ...
Vikki's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Do the speed brakes on an F-16 change its pitch?

In level flight at 400 knots, what happens when the speed brakes are extended?
George Geo's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Why there so many pitch control surfaces on the Piaggio P180 Avanti?

Picture source. I have seen that there is kind of sonic aircraft like B-1B Lancer that used elevator and canard or fins at the same time for pitch control. That quite understandable because it is ...
AirCraft Lover's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Why does RPM for a fixed-pitch propeller change with an aircraft's pitch?

Talking bout a C-152 - If I pitch the aircraft down, and without adjusting the throttle, the RPM would show an increase. Pitch up, and without adjusting the throttle, the RPM shows a decrease. I've ...
Liandro Miguel de Paula's user avatar