Lets assume this situation: In a controlled airport, two aircraft are approaching for landing. #1 is about to touch the runway (let's assume it is within 1~2 miles from touch zone).
Then #2 declares a emergency.
Is there any rule that require that the first airplane starts a go around, either by its decision or by controller's?
Some assumptions:
- There is enough separation from #1 to #2. If #1 was allowed to land and it successfully does, that will not significantly interfere with #2 landing.
- Airfield has just one runway.
- I'm limiting this to a international accepted, US and/or Brazilian rule.
My concern is that if some incident occurs with #1 on landing, like a gear collapsing, that may render the runway unsuable, causing trouble for the trailing aircraft in emergency.
Speaking in other words: Is an aircraft cleared to land even if another is approaching in a emergency situation?