
We have two definitions:

  • Balanced Field where Takeoff Distance Required = Accelerated Stop Distance Required

  • Balanced V1 = This is the speed where on a balanced field length (TODR=ASDR) if we have an engine failure slightly below V1 (Specifically at Vef) we will cover the same amount of distance if we decide to go and reach the screen height of 35 ft or to stop the aircraft at the end of the runway.

Is that correct?


1 Answer 1


In my understanding, Balanced V1 gives you TODR=TODA in case of take off with OEI (so also after Engine Failure above V1), but In case of EF below V1, ASDR = ASDA

  • $\begingroup$ Balanced field concept is not a property of the physical runway, so ASDA and TODA are irrelevant (as long as they are long enough, of course). So you can have balanced field takeoff even if the TODA is longer than TODR or ASDR. But conceptually, any stopway or clearway is irrelevant for balanced field because by definition TOD=ASD, so the shorter one of those dictatates the usable runway length. $\endgroup$
    – busdriver
    Commented Dec 11 at 18:13

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