I'm in Germany and currently on a project about the avionics of an older airplane (PA28). Here is a link to a former reddit question.
My Prof. and me want to update the Avionics now - he asked me to do a bit of research - it is quite a good exercise for me and i learn lot this practical way (i'll become an aircraft engineer)!. I do the prework for our maintenance company and they'll supervise my work/planning.
The main idea is to install new:
- Garmin GNS430
- Garmin GMA340
- Insight G4 + Sensorics
- Becker AR6203 22
- KI - 525A or Garmin G5 DG/HSI
- Insight G4 for experimental stuff (UAS courses with our piper)
This avionic stays, but will be reconnected
- KN53 (with GS) – goes to KI 204
- KI 204
- KAP 100 (AP)
Will be removed:
- GPS150
- KI 203 - Insight G4 will come here instead
- KN53 (w/o GS)
- KY 196 (2x COM)
Right now i have the DG - KG107 in it, but my professor wants to update it to a HSI..
Now the question is if a KI-525A has a built-in gyro or is there only the possibility to connect it with the KG102 (which we dont have)?
I would like to have the new Garmin G5 DG/HSI but it seems that it doesn't have an EASA STC. Garmin is kinda quiet. What do you think - should we install the G5 (DG/HSI) and hope for a STC or pick another HSI (maybe Century)
EDIT: Took 3 questions off the topic