Here's a puzzle. Looking at the PoH of my aircraft, it appears that the climb angle (distance to clear a 50 foot obstacle, starting from the end of the ground roll) is shallower at lower weight than at max gross.
That doesn't make sense to me - oughtn't the climb slope to be steeper at lower weight?
For example, the PoH claims that at sea level, 20 C and 1430 lb, the ground roll is 424 feet, and it needs 972 feet (total, including the ground roll) to clear a 50' obstacle.
At 1320 lb (also 20 C and sea level), it says ground roll is 210 feet and 782 feet to clear the 50 feet.
So the climb slope at 1430 lb is (972-424)/50, or 10.96:1.
And the climb slope at 1320 lb is (782-210)/50, or 11.44:1. Shallower, at lower weight.
I get similar results at all temperatures and pressure altitudes.
What's going on?