I am having difficulties understanding this transcript. It is originally not in English, so I was wondering if anyone could help me to make sense of this and also help me with the correct wording in English. The training cap originally says
after the ground roll (four engine turboprop) : 12 degrees nose-up; 1500 feet; decrease power/ reduce engine thrust power (?); climb speed (?); flaps up.
I know that usually at around 1000 feet agl the pitch is lowered so I imagine that was an order to lower the pitch to 12 degrees nose up or a confirmation of that. Does that make sense? Would one lower it after the final phase of the initial climb?
Then there is the mention to decrease power. Would power be reduced at height?
I've found a document from a flight school that says power is reduced to remain in the traffic pattern, but that was after 2500 feet. And I found a skybraero page that says that after 1500 ft aal one would "reduce thrust to climb power". Would reducing thrust make more sense than reducing power? I thought they both meant the same thing. How are they different?
At the end, when (I think) he says climb speed. I found nothing about climb speed specifically... since this is said after the final phase of the initial climb out (that goes up to 1500 ft), when climb to cruise phase starts, would it make more sense if that read climb to cruise speed/ cruise climb speed (Vcc)?