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Questions tagged [towing]

Questions about towing aircraft, usually on the ground (although some kinds of aircraft - for instance, most gliders - can also be towed into the air).

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25 votes
5 answers

Does it make sense towing airplanes to the head of airstrip by external (eg electric) means?

Does it make sense towing airplanes to the head of airstrip by electric means, whether internal or external? Taxiing from the gate to the runway on jet power seems like a waste of fuel. Is it ...
Urquiola's user avatar
38 votes
12 answers

Can a passenger jet be towed to safety if it breaks down in midair?

A car can be towed by a tow truck to the repair shop when it breaks down on the highway. Is it possible for a passenger plane to be towed by an emergency tow plane along the air corridor to the next ...
Question Overflow's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Why not tow aircraft instead of single-engine taxi?

To save costs, budget airlines could potentially eliminate the single-engine taxi that is standard. Companies are looking into things like electric motors on the wheels of airliners for taxi, which ...
Cloud's user avatar
  • 14.5k
22 votes
3 answers

Why does the headset man not get on the tractor?

As far as I can see, the pushback operation of a passenger aircraft is carried out by a similar application at many airports. It's a towbarless tractor and driver who pushes the aircraft together with ...
GolfCharlie's user avatar