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Questions tagged [codeshare]

Aviation business arrangement where two or more airlines share the same flight.

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6 votes
1 answer

Do codeshare & alliances conflict with competition?

I am aware of the advantages that codesharing has on airlines such as - allowing airline to expand operations without physically flying to that destination creating perception of large flight ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is there a central database for all airline reservation information? [closed]

So we are flying on a reservation that flies from LAX to NRT with United then from NRT to BKK on Thai Airways via a United codeshare. This reservation was booked through United's website. When the ...
5 votes
3 answers

Why do multiple planes arrive from the same airport at the same time?

I'm looking at the Arriving flights page of the Vancouver Airport and in many cases there are several planes coming from the same airport, arriving at the same time, all at the same gate. Does it ...
6 votes
1 answer

How are the costs managed in a codeshare?

How do the airlines manage the costs invovled in a codeshare? As all airlines are selling tickets, (might be at different prices) but only one of them is operating the flight. So, how do the ...