Maximum speed: 900 km/h
Range: 1,050 km
Service ceiling: 11,450 m
Rate of climb: 20 m/s at max weight of 7,130 kg
Thrust/weight: 0.28
Could a Me-262 fight for (1050 km) / (900 km/h) = 70 minutes?
Maximum speed: 900 km/h
Range: 1,050 km
Service ceiling: 11,450 m
Rate of climb: 20 m/s at max weight of 7,130 kg
Thrust/weight: 0.28
Could a Me-262 fight for (1050 km) / (900 km/h) = 70 minutes?
This depended strongly on the flight altitude. Staying at low level for the full mission meant that the Me-262 would run out of fuel within 40 to 50 minutes.
Climbing above 6 km (20,000 ft) would extend that time to 90 minutes. Time to climb to 9 km was 13.2 minutes, so that would leave a time for engaging the enemy of 60 minutes. Considering that typical armament were 24 unguided rockets and 4 cannons with 80 or 100 rounds means that the 262 would run out of ammo in much less time.
One pilot told me that a typical training mission would start in Munich, continue to a radio station near Berlin and back to Munich, all within 60 minutes.