Do we currently have the engineering know-how to build a 1,050 kN jet engine?
This question originated from the idea of changing a 4-engine aircraft into 2-engines. I chose the A380 since it seems to have the highest takeoff weight.
One A380 engine produces a max of 350 kN. If one engine goes out, the A380 still has 1050 kN available, and per regulations that should be enough even for takeoff. So if we switch to a two-engine aircraft, per regulation we need enough thrust for takeoff even if one engine dies, which means each engine would need 1,050 kN max.
I read this and this. They're in the same context of reducing a 4-engine plane to 2-engines, but do not answer the question if 1050 kN is achievable for a single engine.
You are talking about a single engine twice that size...
meaning what exactly? Just because it doesnt exist doesnt mean its not currently possible. It means, first and foremost, that no one has ever ordered one. Could be because can't build it, or could be because they haven't yet gotten around to designing a giant 2-engine plane. $\endgroup$