Simone Giertz's video "Having Dinner With a Jet Engine/Leaf Blower" has a number of views of the turbine, on a cart, with a ducted fan attached. This side view is the best view, in my opinion. I put "jet engine" in quotes in the title because it doesn't seem like it's trying to produce thrust via exhaust, it looks like a turboshaft or turbine generator or maybe APU where the power is supposed to go into the output shaft and the hot exhaust just comes out the side, slow. I'm guessing the ducted fan is an add-on but am not sure.
There's also a good shot of the control panel during start-up. I haven't immediately noticed one that shows operating RPM.
At least one shot also shows a nameplate top-front on the compressor section but it's not in focus and I can't make it out.
I feel the need to postfix this with: I am not in any way affiliated with Simone Giertz or Google.