So I've read that typically high pressure systems bring good weather and clear skies. However, for the current high pressure system we're experiencing in central USA, we're having quite a bit of IFR/MVFR conditions.
The IFR/MVFR conditions down along the Gulf of Mexico where there's a stationary front make sense, but I'm curious why there's IFR/MVFR weather from Missouri through Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio in the midst of this high pressure system.
Is my understanding flawed about high pressure systems? Perhaps I should really be thinking of high pressure systems as stable air masses (in this case stable, low clouds). Or are there other factors at play leading to IFR/MVFR conditions being associated with this high pressure system?
In case it's relevant (and the time/date is difficult to read on the screenshots), the conditions described were happening around 6:00Z on 2019-01-02.