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Questions tagged [frequency]

Questions about the different radio frequencies used for aircraft communications and navigation and the processes of selecting them.

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Unmanned aerial vehicles communication link: frequency/spectrum?

I am studying airborne platform: HAP - high altitude platform LAP- low altitude platform UAV - unmanned aerial vehicle ITU gives frequency allocation bands for link between ground and HAP/LAP/UAV, ...
Aid22's user avatar
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What are the expected vibration frequencies in a co-axial rotor system with contra-rotating propellers?

I am trying to understand the frequency spectrum of a co-axial rotor system. Form now i have a RC helicopter with two sets of three gear systems arranged in parallel, The number of teeth are 7,23,27) ...
Nilesh Naik's user avatar
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Why does airnav list frequencies for some STARs on the airport info page?

I was on and looked up the info for KIWA. Why does airnav list frequencies for the arrivals (STARs) that serve an airport? Does each frequency correspond to a certain TRACON sector?
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