There are a bunch of VFR flight minimums. My question here is the follows:
Lets say one of the minimums is '1000 feet above'. Does that mean.
A. The flight should be 1000 feet above clouds?
B. The clouds should be 1000 feet above the flight?
Different websites on google are interpreting it differently.
Until today I thought it is 'A' .... but recently came across a FAA knowledge test question on Sportys, where the answer is follows.
No person may operate an aircraft VFR within the lateral boundaries of Class D airspace with a ceiling less than 1,000' and visibilities less than 3 miles.
Here it says ceiling less than 1000'. Which by interpretation, one should not fly a flight under VFR (class D), with less than 1000' below clouds. This says the right interpretation is 'B'.