There is really some useful information in all answers. Two design choices really make me wonder how hard engineers worked to create that aircraft.
First; ventral strakes or tail fins. They are canted 45 degrees. Which means they provide both pitch and directional stability. I also think they provide little bit of dihedral effect. Actually that maybe the main reason looking at straight mid-body wings and rectangular shape of engines. I’m sure they suffered from roll instability at the beginning. Canted ventral fins looks like a quick aerodynamic band-aid.
Second the front wings (as company calls them, not canards). It really wouldn’t make sense if they were really fixed small wings in front. They would make aircraft unstable in pitch. As the AOA increases lift of those front wings would increase also and aircraft would want to pitch up more and go out of control.
![enter image description here](
The truth is as @Jpe61 mentioned in his comment and as you can see at the beginning of that video they have trailing edge control surfaces. Looking at the location of wings and engines I think they suffered from aft CG problem and fixed that with the forward wings. I believe they produce downward lift though which provides stability at the expense of efficiency.
Lastly; I want to say that the more extra surfaces you see on an aircraft, thats the testament that basic aircraft has relatively more stability and control issues. Though that's not a bad thing on itself if its fixed properly.
Don't want to spark a discussion, but turns out that the most worshipped designs are the flawed ones. Don't believe me; look at P-51 Mustang or F-4 Phantom. :))