I'm about to take my last test to join an airline: the simulator. I've been told they ask to perform some QDR/QDM interceptions, as well as radial ones.
About QDM/QDR:
- QDM: Magnetic course from the aircraft towards the station.
- QDR: Magnetic course from the station to the aircraft.
I guess we all may agree with that. But:
Could we always take QDM as an inbound course? E.g. the aircraft is at 'radial' 180 and the examiner tells me: "Intercept QDM 320". That would be the same as saying "intercept the inbound course 320", right?
The opposite for QDR. Shall I take it as always an OUTBOUND course?
Probably QDM/QDR is used for NDBs and for practical uses they cannot speak about a radial, but anyways I'd like to know if my points are correct.