61.195(c) states:
(c)Instrument rating. A flight instructor may conduct instrument training for the issuance of an instrument rating, a type rating not limited to VFR, or the instrument training required for commercial pilot and airline transport pilot certificates if the following requirements are met:
(1) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, the flight instructor must hold an instrument rating appropriate to the aircraft used for the instrument training on his or her flight instructor certificate, [...]
So as a CFI with a current instrument rating (but not yet a CFII) it appears I can provide instrument training to students working toward their Instrument Rating. I'm trying to find what limitations to this there are - what regs state when training must be from a CFII?
61.65 - Instrument rating requirements (d)(2) states:
(2) Forty hours of actual or simulated instrument time in the areas of operation listed in paragraph (c) of this section, of which 15 hours must have been received from an authorized instructor who holds an instrument-airplane rating, [...]
Throughout 61.65 it consistently states only "authorized instructor" but there is no definition for "authorized instructor" except only as in 61.1(b) which reads:
Authorized instructor means— (i) A person who holds a ground instructor certificate issued under part 61 of this chapter and is in compliance with §61.217, when conducting ground training in accordance with the privileges and limitations of his or her ground instructor certificate; (ii) A person who holds a flight instructor certificate issued under part 61 of this chapter and is in compliance with §61.197, when conducting ground training or flight training in accordance with the privileges and limitations of his or her flight instructor certificate; or [...]
61.197 is only Renewal requirements for flight instructor certification. So by all this, it seems to me that as a CFI with an instrument rating I'm authorized to provide instrument training. There's definitely something missing here and after hours of digging through regs I just can't find any clearer definitions on this. Can anyone help provide some guidance on where it's defined as to when a CFII is required? Thanks in advance.