My final goalplan is to work as a commercial pilot in europeEurope. But, but iI heard that doing the Licenses directlytraining in Europe might be more expensive and harder than in the US and also more complex as a result to the fact that in order.
For example, to get your PPL you have to face some 1000 theoretical questions theortical test (beforebefore even getgetting on the plane). A
A friend of mine who got his licenses in the US told me that there are acadmies who able to also produceacademies that offer EASA Licenseslicenses but in a more costableaffordable and "inviting" kind of training.
I have lookedIs applying for EASA licenses in the Aviator academy site and saw that they have thatUS really a better option of EASA Licenses? (Cost and training.)
- Does making the EASA licenses in the US is a really better option? (Cost and training wise)
- There are any other Acadmies who are EASA Approved which worth to take a look at them?