Linked Questions

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2 answers

Forces in a slipping turn [duplicate]

I have trouble understanding why the ball (on the turn & slip indicator) falls into the turn e.g. drop to the left when aircraft is rolled left, when in an uncoordinated turn (slipping turn). What ...
Flightsimrightnow's user avatar
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2 answers

Is an increase in induced drag always caused by an increase in the angle of attack?

In this video at 2:57 they increase the AoA to maintain lift, which normally also increases the drag. Now, imagine that we don't increase the AoA: the drag will not increase but we will not have ...
ROTOR's user avatar
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Descending on a given glide slope (e.g. ILS) at a given airspeed-- is the size of the lift vector different in headwind versus tailwind?

We had a discussion with friend and we were talking about if the airplane is on approach and the one is landing with tailwind and the other one is landing with headwind, so both have the same value of ...
tomas's user avatar
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When do the lift and drag vectors contribute a force component along a glider's path of travel as seen from the ground?

It is often said that the lift vector helps to propel a glider forwards. The lift vector has no component acting parallel to the glider's trajectory through the airmass, but in many cases the lift ...
quiet flyer's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Is Vbg maximum Lift/Drag ratio, or is it really maximum Speed/Drag ratio?

A question about "minimum power" airspeed had me wondering, why not think of "maximum Lift/Drag ratio" as maximum Lift/Thrust ratio. Gliders would be included, as they use gravity ...
Robert DiGiovanni's user avatar
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Relationship between Load-Factor AND Gliding Ratio

I am wondering about the g-load and its relation to the so called gliding ratio. I read this really good contribution here on this forum: Does lift equal weight in a climb? So the g load factor is ...
Lucas's user avatar
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