I get this question a lot.
I am an FAA airplane and helicopter CFI with an Airplane "double eye" the Instrument Instructor and Multi-Engine instructor. In Canada I'm also an airplane ATPL and airplane flight instructor.
You can see the certificates for any FAA Instructor with an Instrument Instructor rating at the FAA Airman Registry https://amsrvs.registry.faa.gov/airmeninquiry/
Just enter first name , last name, click on the name and you will see all the FAA Instructor certificates. Unfortunately, Transport Canada does not have such a public pilot data base.
Under an agreement between TC and the FAA, a pilot who holds BOTH an FAA pilot certificate with an instrument rating, and, a Transport Canada pilot licence with an instrument rating can use the FAA IPC to use their Canadian Instrument Rating.
There are some differences.
(1) The FAA IPC cannot be done entirely in a simulator, all the approaches with the exception of the circling approach can be done in a simulator.
(2) A Canadian IPC can be done entirely in an approved simulator.
An FAA instrument instructor is authorized to do Instrument Proficiency Checks for FAA pilots.
If you hold only a Canadian Pilot Licence without both an FAA Pilot Certificate and TC certificate, you can only do your IPC with a TC authorized person.
Here is where it gets interesting.
Whats required for a Canadian Pilot to get an FAA Pilot Certificate and Instrument Rating.
Not much.
You need to pass the TC to FAA pilot certificate exam which is probably 25 questions. You also need to pass the TC to FAA Instrument written exam.
You need a medical and an application completed.
You also need your identity confirmed by at least an FAA Instructor. Any FAA Instructor can check a person's identity for the purpose of obtaining a student pilot licence or higher rating.
Its easy enough to do a cross border trip to get your FAA medical or you can choose one of the few that exist in Canada. You will need to do the written exams in the USA as there does not exist any FAA examination centre in Canada.
In sum, it can be done very quickly.
In one day, you can do the FAA medical, do the exams, fill in an application and get your identity confirmed.