I am facing a problem for calculating the 4 forces affecting the aircraft balance.
Suppose the following inputs:
Aircraft velocity is 222 m/s.
Aircraft mass is 23500 kg.
Aircraft weight is 227360 kg.m/s2
At zero angle of attack the lift coefficient is 0.2
By Calculating the lift force from one wing 172899 N.
for the two wings lift force *2 = 345799.125 N
The problem is:
Now I want the aircraft to go to balance state to move with constant velocity.
So all the four forces should equals to zero thus the lift force should equlas the weight force.
How Can I decrease the lift force?
I still need the aircraft to move with constant velocity 222 m/s.
The lift is affected by angle of attack which is zero.
The air density is constant.
how can I the aircraft balanced with velocity 222 m/s?
Can I decrease the lift force without affecting the velocity?