In FAR part 103 when they are talking about visibility requirements for flying an ultralight, sometimes instead of giving exact distances, they will just say "clear of clouds".
For example:
Flight altitudes /1/ Minimum distance from clouds
1,200 feet or less above the
surface regardless of MSL
(1) Within controlled airspace 3 500 feet below, 1,000 feet above, 2,000 feet horizontal.
(2) Outside controlled airspace 1 Clear of clouds.
Or here:
Airspace visibility Distance from clouds
Class G:
1,200 feet or less above the
surface (regardless of MSL
altitude) 1 statute mile Clear of clouds.
More than 1,200 feet above the
surface but less than 10,000
feet MSL 1 statute mile 500 feet below.
1,000 feet above.
2,000 feet horizontal.
What does "Clear of Clouds" mean in this context? Just that I should remain clear of the clouds, or does it mean that the sky must be clear of clouds in the defined space?
And if it does just mean I need to stay "clear of the clouds", how exactly is that defined? 1000ft? 100ft? 10ft? What exactly?