If you are trying to simulate an aircraft (in Matlab/Simulink) you would typically use the equations of motion for aircraft. As these are taught all around the world you can also find a lot of lectures about this stuff, for example here or here.
Normally you would simulate all 12 states of the 6-DOF equations of motion, but if you are only interested in the translational part, you would use the following formulas:
\dot{u} = \frac{X}{m} − g \cdot \sin(\theta) + r \cdot v − q \cdot w\\
\dot{v} = \frac{Y}{m} − g \cdot \sin(\phi) \cdot \cos(\theta) - r \cdot u + p \cdot w\\
\dot{w} = \frac{Z}{m} − g \cdot \cos(\phi) \ cos( \theta) - q \cdot u − p \cdot v\\
With $X$, $Y$ and $Z$ being the aerodynamic and motor forces, $m$ being the mass, $\phi, \theta, \psi$ the euler angles, $p, q, r$ the rotational rates and $u, v, w$ the body velocities (or local velocities as you call them).
Normally you would now get your aerodynamic and motor forces, (depending on your inputs for elevator, rudder, ailerons and motor control) sum them up and put them into the formula above. After this step, you obtain the body velocities $u$, $v$ and $w$ which you THEN can convert to velocities in the inertial frame via the euler rotation to velocities in inertial frame (Reference on page 18 tells you how to do that, but be aware WHICH Euler rotation you want to use, there are several). Then you can simply integrate these velocities to obtain the position of your aircraft.
This is the standard way to perform a flight simulation.
P.S. It sounds like you are performing an incomplete simulation of your flight model, as you only obtain the euler angles. Especially if you want to develop a controller, you should perhaps revisit how you simulate your flight model.
P.P.S. I want to point out that what you are refering to as "local" velocity, is (in the flight dynamics community) typically called "body" velocity (the frame of reference is then called the body frame). What you are refering to as "global" velocity is typically the inertial velocity (defined in the inertial coordinate system)
P.P.P.S. The aerospace toolbox of Simulink contains most of these calculations as Blocks which you can use. If you are a student you might have free access to that toolbox ;).