Here are some images of different antennas. These are all from aluminum bodies planes. Composite planes often have the antenna embedded in the skin, except for GPS and I don’t have any images of them.
In general, VOR, ELT, and GPS antennas are on the top of the plane. Marker beacon, DME, and transponder antennas are on the bottom.
Here’s a picture of the most common arrangement. VOR antenna on the tail pointing backward. Two COM antennas. If you look closely at the bump on the right, that’s a GPS antenna. The long wire is an ADF antenna.
Here’s another aircraft with a common arrangement. In this one you can see the ELT antenna just behind the cover. ELTs are always on the top.
Here’s a good picture of an ELT antenna.
Beechcraft often have a boomerang antenna for Com/ Nav/ Loc/ GS antenna.
Another type of ADF and a good view of VOR and one COMM.
I don’t have a good picture of GPS antennas. The bump on the right is the antenna.
VOR blade antenna and an antenna on the stabilizer that I can’t identify.
I haven’t seen many VOR antennas like this one.