Flying a missed approach while circling can require some judgement, as the procedures are designed to originate at the missed approach point. Going missed while circling can mean starting the procedure some distance away from the MAP. The goal of the initial procedure should be to intercept the published missed approach course, while maintaining obstacle and traffic clearance. Put another way, a pilot may deviate from the letter of the procedure, if doing so follows the spirit of it.
In this situation, I would recommend option B. The procedure will provide obstacle clearance when started from three points: 443 MSL and about 4000 feet from the RW12 threshold (LPV minima); 638 MSL and about 11,500 feet from RW12 (LNAV/VNAV); and 600 MSL over the RW12 threshold (LNAV and circling). The procedure assumes you can climb at least 200 ft/nm, so to climb 100 feet would require less than 3035 feet across the ground. This puts you within the area where the published missed approach starts. Once you reach 700 feet, you can turn directly to the VOR and continue the procedure as published. The initial turn would normally be towards the landing runway, but in this example the runway is straight ahead.
If you descended below circling minima and needed a significant climb to get back, consider circling over the airport until either reaching 700 feet before flying towards the VOR.
The FAA has recommends the thought process above in the AIM, section 5-4-21. Emphasis mine:
5-4-21 (c): If visual reference is lost while circling−to−land
from an instrument approach, the missed approach
specified for that particular procedure must be
followed (unless an alternate missed approach
procedure is specified by ATC). To become
established on the prescribed missed approach
course, the pilot should make an initial climbing turn
toward the landing runway and continue the turn until
established on the missed approach course. Inasmuch
as the circling maneuver may be accomplished in
more than one direction, different patterns will be
required to become established on the prescribed
missed approach course, depending on the aircraft
position at the time visual reference is lost.
Adherence to the procedure will help assure that an
aircraft will remain laterally within the circling and
missed approach obstruction clearance areas. Refer
to paragraph h concerning vertical obstruction
clearance when starting a missed approach at other
than the MAP.
5-4-21 (h): ... In the event a balked (rejected) landing occurs at a position
other than the published missed approach
point, the pilot should contact ATC as soon as possible
to obtain an amended clearance. If unable to
contact ATC for any reason, the pilot should attempt
to re−intercept a published segment of the missed approach
and comply with route and altitude
instructions. If unable to contact ATC, and in the pilot’s
judgment it is no longer appropriate to fly the
published missed approach procedure, then consider
either maintaining visual conditions if practicable
and reattempt a landing, or a circle−climb over the
The AIM includes a diagram that demonstrates a pilot turning against the missed-approach instructions when that is the safer course. The missed approach requires a climbing right turn to the VOR; the pilot in the scenario on the right chooses to make a left turn as that allows the initial climb to take place over the airport.
Source: FAA AIM